Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Big Tent

Hi Dan Riehl! What have you got for us?
Liberals Hate the First Amendment
No doubt, no doubt. Let's see who these liberals are:
Progressive Republican Lisa Murkowski has forced a Right-leaning talk radio host off the air in Alaska, simply because he disagrees with her. Yet, she is attempting to portray her opponent, Joe Miller, as seeking to do the very thing of which she is guilty.
Well, that's one liberal. Any more liberals hating the first amendment?
Meanwhile, Comedy Cenrtral has embraced the misguided and repugnant notion that it can control the media, even on public property. That instinct isn’t only illiberal, it’s un-American. Thanks to new media it will not work.
Any more? No? Okay, all done. Your hatey-hatin' liberals for today are a Republican senator and a television executive. That last guy in this long long long list of two liberals is even accused of doing something ILLIBERAL, which is DOUBLE-REVERSE-UPSIDE-DOWN WORSE than BEING LIBERAL.

I hope THE LEFT is ashamed.


  1. Murkowski a liberal? WTF?

    Meanwhile, he's silent on Rand Paul's stompy, stompy Tea Tea Macoutes.

  2. Murkowski a liberal? WTF?

    If Dan Riehl says it, you know it must be true.


    It is like "Flammable" and "Inflammable" being the same thing. It's all very confusing and leads to natural mistakes. That's what I told the judge anyway.

  4. forced a Right-leaning talk radio host off the air in Alaska,

    The comments in that first link are full of mangoey goodness. I particularly liked the lady who finds that she can't turn on the radio without hearing someone complaining that their freedom of speech has been taken from them. Usually because they're christians.

  5. Well, I'm ashamed. Dan Riehl's mom knows why too.

  6. Quick. What's the difference between "illiberal" and "conservative"?

    Conservative policies tend toward rightwing viewpoints, are business friendly and favor the status quo.

    An illiberal is a hippie with a tummyache...


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