Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Quote of a few days ago:
After their latest record, "Glee: The Music -- Journey to Regionals" landed at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart in June, star Mark Salling said he'd seen "not a dime" of royalty payments from label Sony Music.

Co-star Corey Montieth told Toby Knapp's DC 99.5 radio show: "I got 400 bucks from it going No. 1. But you know what, that's OK, because if I'm patient, and if this thing does really well, maybe I'll see another 400 bucks."


  1. We're lucky when our big corporations don't decide to kill us.

  2. YOU'RE lucky.

    I'm pretty sure Raley's has it in for me...

  3. The music industry really needs to be dismantled- they've been scamming artists for too damn long.

  4. This is why I don't feel bad stealing music.

  5. 400 bucks!! why I could catch a tram to town, go to the movies and catch a tram home when I had a number one album ("Sounds of My Bum" STC 100284 if you're interested)and I would an icecream at half-time

  6. This is why I don't feel bad stealing music.

    depends who you're stealing it from.

    Just watched I Am Trying To Break Your Heart. Tweedy managed to make Time warner pay for the album twice. Fuck Time warner.

    Also: steal Metallica.

  7. I remember a Replacements tour when they had a shirt with $23 dollars on it after they'd signed up to Warner-Elektra-Atlantic and their tour merch pricing was removed from their control.

    They they they THEY!

  8. Just watched I Am Trying To Break Your Heart. Tweedy managed to make Time warner pay for the album twice. Fuck Time warner.

    Great documentary.


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