Monday, September 6, 2010

Greetings Tony

Oh how sad, more events cancelled.

Such woes:
"I love my own politics and progressives and all the rest of it," Blair told ABC's Christiane Amanpour in an unaired portion of his This Week interview from Sunday. "But if we have a weakness as a class, when the right get after us and attack our progressive leaders, instead of defending them we tend to say, 'Yeah, well, really we've got a lot of complaints about them, too.'"
It would have been swell if his own party had done just that. Aren't they progressive enough to conform to type?


  1. I propose banning the term "neoliberal" and replacing it with "corporatist toady".

  2. Interestingly, today's WaPo poll asked:

    17. Do you think Obama's views on most issues are too (liberal) for you, too (conservative) for you, or just about right?

    The "Too Liberal" number was a predictable 45%. The "Too Conservative" number a telling 9%.

    Hmm. A VERY large portion of both the "enthusiasm gap" and the Republican advantage seems to be because people on the left are willing to give the most extreme right-wing political power because Obama isn't FDR...

  3. Complaints aren't necessarily votes, and it's pretty obvious that people are talking about wildly different things when they say "liberal" or "conservative" so I think the question's kinda dumb as a measure of anything except that he's "too" something.

    The poll's nice in that it shows the progress of opinion from the previous polls. I'll bet he'd be less "too" if he did some of those commie things he's too chicken to do.

  4. All I can think is, damn US protests are too tame...

  5. I'll bet he'd be less "too" if he did some of those commie things he's too chicken to do.

    Yep. That's the point. The people on the right already hate him. And they've convinced as many people as are convincable that he's evil. So the rest of the beating he's taking from people who WANT to support him, he just haven't given them a reason to.

    Unfortunately, as unhappy as they are with Obama, they're going to be orders of magnitude less happy with the outcome their enabling...

  6. But look at the spread in "too liberal" which is 16 points higher now that he's backed off a bunch of liberal stuff. I don't believe all those people have changed their minds because of an actual liberal policy; they probably see things sucking and know that liberal=bad.

  7. So Blair wishes that progressives were more like conservatives? Fair enough; he imposed the same expectation on his government.

  8. The Internet is trying to convince me that Blair has condemned Hamas and Iran as THE EVIL in order to position himself as an even-handed neutral peace negotiator in the Middle East.


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