Friday, September 24, 2010

C'mon Sudanese Guys, Make An Effort


  1. Also missing is the Ministry of Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing and of course, the critically important bureaucratic infrastructure underlying the Ministry of Rape, which, for efficiency's sake can be operated out of the office of the Minister of Brutality...

  2. Ministry of International Cooperation

    Maybe the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ate it.

  3. Also missing is the Ministry of Genocide

    Be fair! After the referendum they let a whole chunk of the country go without killing them all and, possibly, maybe, the southerners can rely on homegrown rapists and genocidal maniacs.

  4. Squeeky Fromm makes an effort:

    "SqueekyFromm says:
    This is what happens when you try to remove Mobamba, the Kenyan Usurper, by arguing all this law stuff. You just confuse everybody."


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