Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why Dreams Are Important

I dreamed last night that M. Bouffant had taken some kinda youth drug and wound up in high school. For some reason I was hanging around the high school too. Then Bouffant took another drug that turned him even younger and also into a girl. He was then in the same class as my daughter. I thought I'd help out and went the school office to sort out why one student went missing and another showed up. A visiting member of a pipe band was also in the office and said "Well, why don't you use some of those liberal blogger skills?" I said "That's what I'm doing fuckhead" and mushed his hat down into his face, then brought his head down to meet my knee. Most satisfying, and I woke up smiling at that point.

Also for sale in the school office were snack-sized portions of fresh warm poo.


  1. As M. Bouffant awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic schoolgirl.

    The above is mine, all mine--the words, the ideas, the phrasing, because the Enlightenment has waned.

  2. Bake for 9-11 minutes

    How DARE liberal turd-cookie makers insult the victims of 9/11 and the hollow ground like that!!111!one!!!

    I'm notifying Pammalammadingdong right now. Then you will be sorry, mister terrorist-appeaser!

  3. Oh yeah.

    I'm thinking we serve them with a glass filled with four parts lemonade and one part sparkling water.

    And maybe a crucifix...

  4. Hmmmm. Perhaps you should never go to sleep. Ever.

  5. Is it now all poop, all the time here?

    I'll admit that in this case, I cannot account for any movements, but I am not responsible.

    One morning, M. Bouffant was awakened by the digital chirping of his alarm clock, only to discover he had been transmogrified into an overweight wage-slave. — Paraphrase of an earlier literary effort.

    How'd you know it was "me" in your dream anyway?

    Last but not least: If you continue to have dreams, you are NOT SMOKING ENOUGH DOPE!

  6. Couldn't find the Lydia Lunch version of "I Woke Up Screaming," but this is geo-appropriate.

  7. Oh Christ, there's an ex in that video. NO POOP FOR YOU!

  8. Hmmmm. Perhaps you should never go to sleep. Ever.
    This keeps you safe from the clowns but there are side-effects.

  9. Oh Christ, there's an ex in that video.

    How about in this one?


    [wipes brow, "whews"]


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