Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Origins of Heroes

Religious Fanatic Stan is of course Stan Lee, once again laying the groundwork for yet another comics triumph, Mumbai's Brown Cow.


  1. How many cows has religio-fan Stan burned at the stake?

  2. Did the Black Panther have a superpower beyond the ability to exclaim! every sentence?

  3. The Black Panther gained his unnatural speed and strength thanks to the properties of a certain herb.

  4. huh. use of the herb I am familiar with does not seem to lend itself to 'unnatural speed and strength.

  5. use of the herb I am familiar with does not seem to lend itself to 'unnatural speed and strength.

    Very slow and weak can be unnatural.

  6. more like 'lethargic' and 'uninterested in moving from this couch, unless it is to get another bag of Doritos"

  7. Did the Black Panther have a superpower beyond the ability to exclaim! every sentence?

    As I young comic book fan, I remember being puzzled that no one ever ended a sentence with a period. Not exciting enough, apparently.


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