Thursday, August 19, 2010

News of Note!

Telepathic Ed has increased his range of blog-post titles by a full 25%. The previous go-to titles:
good talk (330 uses)
gpod talk (One use)
gppd ta;l (One use)
Telepathic Ability (One use)
Click for the latest and greatest. Will it see more than one use? Only Time Will Tell.


  1. I've had a couple of screwed-up labels. (How did that happen?) A pain to get rid of, telepath or no.

  2. Ha ha!/Oh shit! Somehow (Paying no attention is how, ninny.) I thought I was back here & left this chez Ed:

    "Yup, ALL CAPS just a matter of time, after the all bold move."

    And captcha advises us what Ed types in: inglessi

  3. Bold, italics, and strikethough.

    Go big, or don't go.

  4. Why is Schlichter's age in scare quotes. He's apparently "50". Does he use a different calendar than the rest of us? Is he actually fifty in dog years? Or is Ed using his telepathic powers to determine that the vice-riddled former quarterback is, once again, lying and stealing?

  5. I don't think this guy really exists, I think he's just a McGravitasian JanusNode creation.

  6. he's just a McGravitasian JanusNode creation

    Aren't we all.

  7. scare quotes

    I'd be impressed if Ed knew what those were.

  8. Aren't we all.

    The fun part is trying to figure out what seed documents he used for each of our "personalities" between counsel will not be tolerated and the next warning will be a contempt charge.

  9. The fun part is trying to figure out what seed documents

    Mine were the transcripts of Tourette's guy.

  10. Mine was Saddam Hussein's romance novel...


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