Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Stealing Nature

Calling all artists, designers, and creatively inclined Corner fans! Can you produce an image that does justice to The Corner — that captures its unique spirit and character?
Gee whiz. I'm just gonna steal:


  1. If you hit the mailto link you're asked to fill in some information.

    Image Title: Operation Swift Justice
    Your Name: Substance McGravitas
    Your Hometown: Americaville Incorporated
    Your Inspiration (50 words or less): Jonah Goldberg

  2. Your Hometown: Americaville Incorporated

    You speeled Vegreville wrong.

  3. Now, which one of you sent in the corncob picture?

  4. I wish I had.

    Of the six entries posted two feature Jonah. Yessir, that's the star there.

  5. TruculentandUnreliableAugust 14, 2010 at 12:36 PM

    It is precisely because of this image that I've always wondered why they thought "The Corner" was a good name.

  6. unique spirit and character
    they never heard of embalming fluid, before?

  7. Oh but the NRO are losing their biscuits over the Moozelim terror shop in NY.
    Buy adult diapers, folks, there's going to be a sellers market very soon

  8. A reverse angle on The American Thinker.

    Perhaps clever people could add a corncob somewhere in that image.

    Thus spake zatostra.

  9. I dunno. Seems like it ought to be something that evokes a kind of Mr. Toad - level crazyness...

    That's a good idea. Maybe the buildings could have eyes and be wiggling menacingly.

  10. Needs moar non-Euclidean geometries.

    Also someone has captured my unique spirit. I swear the bottle wasn't empty last night.

  11. Maybe the buildings could have eyes and be wiggling menacingly.

    I have done my best to forget ever watching Cool World but I dimly recall some scenes along those lines.


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