Thursday, August 26, 2010


We Catholics clearly and obviously embrace the natural gifts of women as something we need for salvation. We need Mary. We need her as our mother. Behold, your mother!
I'm all for embracing the natural gifts of women, as I imagine K-Lo must be, AND NOW YOU'VE IMAGINED IT! HA HA!
But angry, chiding e-mails condemned me for my refusal to apologize for what I said about [Mel] Gibson and his work at the time. For my “inaccuracies,” because I called the director of this movie a feminist for the work he did in bringing the mother of Our Lord to life for a culture that needs her and the mercy her son offers.
It does make a kind of sense that a movie pretty much about one guy getting the shit kicked out of him has a feminist point in there somewhere. I resolve to one day watch it. Also to fix the dishwasher.


  1. Ah question over here!
    Ah WTF does The next time I fall, I hope I’m seeing the light of the confessional brighter than the mocking crowd, suffocating in a confused fog of pride that divides man from divine mercy. mean?
    "confused fog of pride" "brighter than the mocking crowd"I would n't put those lines in a poem, gnome sne?

  2. I suppose, if we were collectively more, well, serious about our commentary, we'd be compelled to comment on the madness that places a fictional character, nay, indeed, a fucking BOOK above the aspirations and well-being of genuine human people-stuff.

    But, when you try, you can't find words that describe in real, objective terms, the ultimate cruelty and dishonesty of allowing an ancient work of fiction to facilitate the oppression and abuse of large swaths of the population. And it's only a further indictment that very population is willing to support it's own oppression out of fear of eternal torture coupled with youthful indoctrination.

    We find ourselves in a place that cannot be understood.


    I see that as a crisis....

  3. Quite apart from the Humpty-Dumpty aspect of making words like 'feminism' mean what she wants them to mean (and why does she stop at calling Gibson a 'feminist'? Why not 'Nobel-prize winner' while she's at it?) -- quite apart from that, does she explain why the culture as a whole needs Mary? I mean, she tells us that Catholics need some Mary in their lives, but is she aware that there are many people in the US who are not Catholics?

  4. "WTF does The next time I fall, I hope I’m seeing the light of the confessional brighter than the mocking crowd, suffocating in a confused fog of pride that divides man from divine mercy. mean?"

    Sinning is good. If you try to avoid doing wrong things you are guilty of pride and you are depriving god of the chance to forgive you. It sounds to me like god is caught in a dysfunctional codependency role here, and he should stop forgiving K-Lo's transgressions and apply some tough love, but I am not a theologian.

  5. She may be writing for Catholic readers of a Catholic publication, but she knows and they know that what she's writing about is in fact Universal.

    does she explain why the culture as a whole needs Mary?

    She leaves the detailed explaining to noted feminist John Paul II, in his Mulieris Dignitatem.

  6. because I called the director of this movie a feminist for the work he did in bringing the mother of Our Lord to life

    What else could you call a man who made a film praising a woman for her unquestioning obedience to Yahweh, the ultimate patriarch, than a feminist?

  7. His portrayal of Mary exposed the lie that Christians, and Catholics in particular, are patriarchal oppressors of women. (The Virgin Mary herself tends to expose this lie.)

    True! Jesus went to the local Catholic church and inspected their women for signs of oppression. And demons.

  8. I hate you for making me imagine K-Lo "embrace" another woman.

  9. Behold, your mother!

    Worst twist ending to a M. Night Shyamalan porn movie EVAH.

  10. She leaves the detailed explaining to noted feminist John Paul II

    I thought she preferred noted radical feminist Thomas Aquinas.

  11. Worst twist ending to a M. Night Shyamalan porn movie EVAH.

    Wait, so "The Village" was Thebes?

  12. Wait, so "The Village" was Thebes?

    The Sphinx was glaringly CGI.

  13. It does make a kind of sense that a movie pretty much about one guy getting the shit kicked out of him has a feminist point in there somewhere.

    The crazy thing about this movie is that, to its fans, the guy being tortured to death is kinda, sorta somebody they know- somebody whose picture is probably hanging in their home.

    *deleted the original because I made a GLARINGLY OFFENSIVE typo.

  14. Also, Gibson is truly a paragon of race relations since he is more than happy to fight crime with a black partner.

  15. But he knows the partner is gonna retire!

  16. does she explain why the culture as a whole needs Mary?

    The smear of semen in her hair makes her irresistible...there's something about the BVM.

  17. It took me a very long time to get that.

  18. *deleted the original because I made a GLARINGLY OFFENSIVE typo.

    I delete those and then you can pretend you never made the typo. So if you want you can type it AGAIN, omit the footnote, and then I'll delete the footnoted one AND THIS ONE and VOILA! It never happened!


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