Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pony Gusher 2

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Idea stolen from here.

Here is a backstage view of the sky plus an oil derrick:

Here is a stream of ponies getting ready to squirt:


  1. You DO know we're tryina watch the goddam allstar game here, right? I mean, you guys GOT baseball up there, don'tcha?

    So c'mon, relax, have a beer (I think it's supposed to be a budweiser but I wouldn't wish that on my ex-wife's husband) and let's see if the NL can actually WIN fer once...

  2. Takes a lot of work to get the the grannies and the spiral up there.

  3. You DO know we're tryina watch the goddam allstar game here, right?

    All stars of what? Roller derby?

  4. Idea stolen from here.

    Yeah, well I remember the days when naive people thought there might be accountability for the GOBP.

    Not even notorious liberal Joe Klein would sit still for that crazy thing.

  5. Here is a stream of ponies getting ready to squirt

    You just earned yourself some extra Google hits with that one.

  6. Environmental watchdogs have for years been warning that your drilling technique could lead to a pony spill of this magnitude.

  7. NutellaonToast is no longer allowed to look at my pony gusher on penalty of arrest by any and all law enforcement and military personnel in the area.

  8. There must be some way to harness that energy.

  9. Let's not put the cart before the horse.

  10. But I'm chomping at the bit to do it.

  11. Hey now, the main point is energy

  12. you guys need to rein it in.

    always trying to stirrup trouble.

  13. I find myself intrigued by two parameters here.

    The first is the Input Parameter Type "Sin". Ayep. That works for me. Carry on.

    Then I noticed that apparently you are one quarter PWNd already. Even before you've begun...

  14. Ooo. I've got exactly the right pony for that.

  15. After looking at this I found myself wishing that the Gulf Of Mexico was filling up with ponies instead of oil.

    Is that Brainiac 5 flippin' the bird, MB?

  16. Here is a stream of ponies getting ready to squirt

    I can do that.

  17. It's B-5. (The resemblance is startling.)

    But he's just showing his flight ring to all the world.


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