Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Kevin D. Williamson follows up on a follow-up:
Writing in response to my suggestion that the RNC dump Michael Steele and hire Sarah Palin, Mr. Jackson launches into an angry, knuckle-draggingly misinformed, conspiracy-minded tirade, the upshot of which is that my proposal must be a naked bid to keep Palin out of the presidential running in 2012 in order to make room for the country-club Republican establishment’s anointed candidate, in whose service I labor so passionately.
Yes, nobody could imagine that a writer at The National Review might be interested in the fortunes of the Republican Party and want it to succeed...but Kevin clarifies:
Note to Gary P. Jackson: Minimum requirements for being a Republican Establishment hack include being a member of the Republican party, which I am not. I am well to the right of the Republican mainstream, and well to the right of Sarah Palin. Getting Palin out of the way to clear the path for Mitt Romney is not super-high on my agenda. Suffice is to say that in 2008 I was a lot more excited about the bottom of the GOP ticket than the top.
"Suffice is to say" that I had imagined that Kevin writing what he writes where he writes and being excited about Republicans and offering them advice was the minimum qualification for being a Republican Establishment hack. Perhaps I am wrong. But who is this Gary P. Jackson?
Gary P is editor and publisher of A Time For Choosing as well as a contributor to Red State, Digital Journal, The Sarah Palin Web Brigade, The Sarah Palin Information Blog, and other conservative sites.

A Time For Choosing is a website based on solid Ronald Reagan/Sarah Palin conservatism. We give no apologies, and accept no substitutes.
Ah. He is A Nut. Here he is complaining about Kevin's idea:

Kevin, I think if you take time to look around, you’ll see that pretty much EVERYONE disagrees with you pal. And not just with your idea of making Sarah Palin RNC chair, but your entire condescending, factually incorrect, backhanded complement filled drivel.

To take the anniversary of day that Sarah Palin literally changed history forever to insult our intelligence, and Sarah Palin, is simply breathtaking.

The day that Sarah Palin literally changed history to insult our intelligence was a fine one indeed.

Let's have a little talk about blogger beetles....

What do you know about blogger beetles?

When blogger beetles fight, it's called a blogger beetle battle.

And when they battle over Palin, it's a blogger beetle Palin battle.

And when blogger beetles battle while they tattle over Palin, they call it a blogger beetle Palin tattle battle.

And when beetles battle beetles in a Palin tattle battle and the beetle battle's Palin is a Palin who will prattle...

...They call this a blogger beetle prattle Palin tattle battle muddle,

When beetles fight these battles over prattle and their tattles and the prattle's full of spittle and the spittle forms a puddle...

...They call this a muddle Palin blogger spittle beetle puddle prattle tattle battle...


  1. condescending, factually incorrect, backhanded complement filled drivel.

    His drivel is full of immune-system proteins? Perhaps it has antiseptic qualities.

  2. Suffice is to say that in 2008 I was a lot more excited about the bottom of the GOP ticket than the top.

    I'm sure he was excited by that bottom.

  3. I was a lot more excited about the bottom of the GOP ticket than the top.

    They really can't help themselves, can they?

    I ain't getting out of the boat, but I will not be surprised if others bring back stinky mangos saying "ramming down my throat"

  4. backhanded complement filled drivel.

    Dear Kevin, your drivel completes me.

    Ugh, I clicked on the link, and his atrocious spelling rears its head yet again:

    Barack Obama, one of the most radical communists in the country, and now our beloved Dear Leader, not only worshiped at the alter of Alinsky.

  5. Barack Obama, one of the most radical communists in the country, and yet also a corporate suck-up.

    Radical communists, how do they work?

  6. I am well to the right of the Republican mainstream, and well to the right of Sarah Palin.

    Take THAT!

  7. not only worshiped at the alter of Alinsky.

    The American Left consisted of a single radical theorist with multiple personalities.

    Kevin is ramming his homophones down our throats.

  8. Copy-editor adds:

    He certainly isn't worshipping them.


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