Sunday, June 27, 2010

Taking My Own Advice Stinks

It's hard. WAAAAHHH!

God damn it, ANIMATE, Beck, you worthless shithead!

Ah. Google problem and fuckin' Picasa PICKS MY ASS.


  1. Beck's a cynical conman. Like his bosses, Murdoch and Ailes.

  2. I think he's that, but I think he's actually crazy too. It's the best of both worlds!

    More complexity in a bit.

  3. I like the Moses animation. Invisible Sheep!!

    As soon as you've finished tinkering, certain people will be looking at the source code to see how you did it.

  4. Yeah, I'm definitely in the "actually crazy" camp. But in a happily cynical kind of way.

    Another Gratuitous Cute Baby Picture.

  5. In all seriousness, as a "mental" person, there are several diagnoses missing from the DSM that would include Yosemite Moses there, & most Islamo-fundies as well.

  6. Not as a "mental" person, I want a pair of shoes w/ an appliqué backhoe on them!

    Children get everything! Waaaah!!

  7. Also.

    A cuckoo-clock version comes to mind but you'd want sideways-opening doors for that.

  8. Another Gratuitous Cute Baby Picture.

    You are risking some severe animation with that.

  9. As soon as you've finished tinkering, certain people will be looking at the source code to see how you did it.

    The code here is as important as the size of the gifs: the teensy humpy Moses is 410x546. It's just that the rest of the gif apart from Moses is transparent. Glenn is the top image and overlays images of equal size. A big help is that the GIMP seems to like pasting images into the same place so getting animated gifs into position isn't the chore that it could have been.

  10. You are risking some severe animation with that.

    As long as it's cute and not icky inappropriate, I could probably even supply you with other photos from the same playground excursion to work with.

  11. It's just that the rest of the gif apart from Moses is transparent.

    Yep, I was considering custom-sized background layers as the easiest way of eliminating the flickery artifacts at the margin.

  12. I want a pair of shoes w/ an appliqué backhoe

    Am I wrong to think of Fad Freddy in "Tales from the Old Backhoe Operator"?

  13. As long as it's cute and not icky inappropriate

    Oh dear.

    Also for Glenn's head I think I need a conspirator rubbing his hands together but I can't think of one offhand.

  14. Also for Glenn's head I think I need a conspirator rubbing his hands together but I can't think of one offhand.

    Mr. Burns with his finger tenting, or Dr. Evil with his little finger to the mouth gesture? Or are those too obvious?

  15. Crazy is definately a possibliitly. However, it is also possible that as the Beck role, the character Beck not the actual person evolved and began to produce rewards, the person Beck began to integrate the character Beck until it simply became impossible to determine where one stops and the other begins.

    Which is just a different way of saying he's crazy, but not stupid...

  16. Now I think conspiracy guy might be too much. Got a little busy with flag-in-ass guy. Nudge.

  17. Y'know, I'm just noodling here, but having a software solution that picks your ass is, well, odd.

    Having a cloud-based software solution that picks your ass is really cutting edge in the whole realm of ass-picking solutions.

    You may have shifted the entire ass-picking paradigm with this. It's not enough to simply automate the ass-picking, but to adopt a whole ASS 2.0 approach to picking has got to change everything, including the way your fingernails smell...

  18. FF now consuming 99% of CPU time.
    Any other GIFs you would care to tuck in there?

  19. Sissy. I've got around 30 tabs open and various other things going and I'm only up to WHOA THERE!

  20. I bet it was you who broke S,N!.

  21. Having a cloud-based software solution that picks your ass is really cutting edge in the whole realm of ass-picking solutions.

    Peer-to-peer lets you take advantage of others' otherwise wasted downtime.

  22. The problem is that I waste more time than I get wasted time back. HOW IS THAT FAIR?

  23. Sadly, now I realize I have more in common with Glenn Beck than I thought I did.

  24. Laboratory techniques here have demonstrated an accuracy of 99 to 101 percent.

  25. As long as it's cute and not icky inappropriate,

    I am not sure you have reviewed Mr. McGravy's past efforts, ma'am.

  26. I look at this a day later and I am amused. Torch-bearing crowd's not obvious enough though.

  27. I am not sure you have reviewed Mr. McGravy's past efforts, ma'am.

    Well, "cute" has a lot of latitude. If he wanted to animate a giant Dash stomping his way through Tokyo, for example, I would think that would fall into the "cute" category.

  28. Marita, this is a guy who photoshopped goatse into an unsuspecting comic book panel.

  29. I'm mentally accompnaying this with the opening bars of "Money" in a loop.

  30. This scares me.

    Aunt Snow - also posting as g on S/N


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