Tuesday, June 29, 2010

An Offer

egrep 'breitbart|asshole|idiot|moron' journalist.txt

And who knew liberal journalists loved goatse so much?


  1. I'll only hand over the list if he pays me in gold bullion, or beef bullion.

  2. Whole thing judged "Stupid" by mikey. Case pretty much closed.

    Dave is good, and I like his work, but read his piece on Breitbart before you decide what happened (on the theory that his version of events is "righter" than others). My initial sense is that he's too hard on himself, but it's his call.

    Also, the whole argument is stupid. People, including journalists and bloggers, HAVE opinions. It's what they do with them that counts. Reminds me of an argument I got in on Facebook during the healthcare debate. I was arguing with a libertarian asshat, and in response to my demand that he send me some sort of documentation to support his stated 'facts', he sent me six different CATO papers. So I sent him stuff by Ezra, Jon Cohn, Yglesias, Marshall, a whole bunch of stuff.

    He replied that he couldn't read it because it was all a bunch of leftists. That's when I ran all the way out of patience....

  3. Plus, as has been said many times elsewhere, the world WOULD be a better place if Matt drudge lit himself on fire. Truth is the ultimate defense, I've been told.

  4. man, I was really hoping this would start a flame war about the proper linux commands for file searching. I vaguely recall people having opinions about that.

    Hrm, did I mention that emacs sucks?

  5. man, I was really hoping this would start a flame war about the proper linux commands for file searching.

    My trolling skills are not what they were.

  6. Um, huh? We have GUIs now. We have, I dunno, like twenty seven different GUIs now.

    Yeee HAW! It's all built on X! Let's do something wackY!! (honestly, what the HELL has gone wrong with those KDE folks? Are they some kind of Microsoft secret agent fer gawds sake in a tuna can n shit?)

    But anyway (John Popper watch over us with the crew served jesus), you don't search across file systems for strings, you just search the nearby area for shit you give a goddam and two shitz about...


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