Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's a Fine Line Between Clever and Stupid

What's up at The Corner?

If You Say So [Jonah Goldberg]

Richard Cohen writes:

This business about socialism has become a conservative trope — as loony on the right as is some of the left's admiration for Venezuela's Hugo Chávez. The current issue of Commentary, a magazine that virtually created the neoconservative movement, devotes about 4,500 words to the subject. It asks: "What Kind of Socialist Is Barack Obama?" To which any sane person would have to reply: "Not a Very Good One."

I'll let Cohen's suggestion that anyone who disagrees on this matter is not "sane" slide, to make an easier point. If Barack Obama isn't a very good socialist, never mind a Very Good One — in super-serious capital letters — doesn't that mean he's still a socialist? Bob Ueker was not a very good baseball player, but he was a baseball player.

05/04 10:21 AM
Below: not a very good superhero:


Pictured below, a fascist.

God damn it, I can't believe I didn't have that one out of the gate.


Watch Jonah have a bad time:


  1. Oh, great. Now I'll have "Thick as a Brick" stuck in my head all day. Y'know, Jethro Tull makes a crappy earworm - too damn hard to keep the melody playing...

    Captcha is a latin dog: woofici

  2. Luftmensch. I'm going to write that one down.

  3. Cohen vs. Goldberg in the World Series of Love.

  4. What Kind of Counter-Terrorism Profiler is J—? Not a Very Good One.

  5. Joberg says he will let it slide to make an easier point
    I'm shocked I tells ya!

  6. What's a matter eater boy?

    Stupid scarecrow gets all the breaks.

  7. David Frum is quite possibly the most dangerous man on the planet. A wingnut who isn't stupid. The good news is nobody lets him play in any of their reindeer games - the current crop of 'conservatives' are terrified of him, like frankenstein was terrified of fire, and to the rest of us, hey, he's still a wingnut...

  8. what, you think I'm going to click on a video with BOTh Frum and Doughbob?


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