Monday, May 17, 2010

Golden Showerage of Comics

Lee and Kirby were deep and all, and I understand the point about the atomization of culture, but maybe another approach was necessary.


  1. errrrk. ack.

    I'd rather have the K-Lo back.

  2. it would be a TERRIBLE idea to add drag-n-drop items.

  3. Oh, It Came Out Of The Sky,
    Landed just a little south of Moline.
    Jody fell out of his tractor,
    Couldn't b'lieve what he seen.
    Laid on the ground and shook,
    Fearin' for his life.
    Then he ran all the way to town screamin'
    "It Came Out Of The Sky."

  4. I hadn't noticed the wedding band before. That's somebody's sweetheart!

  5. I noticed the ring for the first time today too. Probably some kinda insult to say we think alike, huh?

  6. Alien boy is a real threat alright. Watching afternoon Pron with a tray of snacks.

  7. ...maybe he's married to K-Lo. Is THAT what Substance is implying?

  8. Rusty ShacklefordMay 17, 2010 at 2:59 PM


  9. There must be easier ways to shoplift frozen chickens.

  10. I think the ring makes Mr. Goatse a little endearing. It also adds comedic tension to the image, which is a Good Thing.

  11. I think there is already plenty of tension in that image.

  12. it would be a TERRIBLE idea to add drag-n-drop items.

    I had a bunch of ideas for this one that I don't think are going to happen. I was going to steal a whole bunch of kiwi shit with the implication that Kurrgo couldn't know much about Earth if he was just getting kooky woodcuts and bafflegab, but I decided to go tasteful instead.

  13. I think there is already plenty of tension in that image.

    That's what he said!

  14. The poop just falls out on its own!


  15. but I decided to go tasteful instead.

    yeah, the only thing more tasteful would be if you managed to work The Human Centipede in there.

    I will leave that sentence, in all its mockable glory, for you tasteless fuckers to make sick.

  16. I was informed that there would be kooky woodcuts and bafflegab. And doughnuts.

  17. Add me to the just noticed the ring group, though I can't say I'd been exposed to that enough to be desensitized & start looking for details. UNTIL NOW!

    And be careful about lowering the standards of the Innerp()rn. I have trouble resisting temptation.


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