Sunday, May 9, 2010


Smut Clyde said...

Stardust's retarding ray is no match for my ray-proof spaceship!


  1. Is "Super-wizard" an alternative title for the Pope?

  2. If only the Pope was as quick on the fly as the Super Wizard.

  3. It's like some one went back in a time machine and made this comic so that we would find the comment funny but also prescient...Mikey?!?!?

  4. I think he's just talking about his micromanaging boss whose megalomania demands that his employees call him "super wizard."

  5. MUST be the Super Wizard.

    Yeah. Right. I mean, who ELSE might it be? It's not like those stupid HORNS have anything to do with it, right DOOD?

    Hell, babe, it COULDN'T be Bob down the street or Margaret in Accounting, because what? They're powers are too meager to affect you? You bop around doing ANY goddam thing you want right up until the moment the Wizard gives up on your case and calls in his Supervisor? Nothing short of a freaking Super Wizard could possibly be responsible for that fact that you're lonely, broke and stupid?

  6. I'll go to Mars and deposit the ray spore in the proper place! I'll blaze that planet into a ball of fire! Then I'll use my anti-solar beam and head the blazing planet towards the Earth and set the Earth afire!

  7. ...and set the Earth afire!

    That will be much easier now that we've coated the wet parts in a sheen of flammable oil.

    Here's some free advice: just sit back, don't worry about the Mars and the anti-solar whozzits, just give us a couple more months and toss a lit match at the Earth. In the meantime, relax, kick back with a drink, and watch Betty White on SNL....

  8. Also, Horned Dude is eating blue Cheetos.

  9. Super Wizard is an operator bent on scalloping out Hornèd's latticework. Dummy with a top-knot!

    Captcha = haterin(f.), pl. haterinnen.

  10. If only the Pope was as quick on the fly as the Super Wizard.

    I bet the Pope is quicker with his fly though.

  11. I'd ban tigris if I were you. She is divulging too much about the Hook Operators and scalloping and and dummies and chisel boards.

  12. I am naught but a tiny, innocent kitten! Plus and too also: as you and I are apparently twins Substance might mistakenly ban you.

  13. The only safe course is to ban both BUT BAN THEM AS THE OTHER ONE!!


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