Sunday, April 4, 2010

Playing To the Base

Victoria Jackson's account of the Conservative Woodstock is entertaining reading.
My friend Bonnie asked me to drive with her to Searchlight, NV for the Tea Party Express Kickoff where Sarah Palin was going to speak. I said, “Yes!” Then, I started thinking about reality. I would need to pay a dog sitter and a teenager sitter. My daughter couldn’t come with me because she was winning an award at the 168 Film Festival in Glendale – all the more reason for me to stay home. Then, I would have to sit in a car for ten hours round-trip. I hate sitting. I don’t travel unless I’m getting paid. Tea Parties don’t pay. Of course, I attend them for one purpose only – to save my country.
What a selfless individual. But wait, there's more!
But, it helps if there’s an added incentive, like a free T shirt or meeting Sarah Palin! But, if I was in a crowd of thousands there would be little chance I would meet Sarah. Suddenly I was invited to be one of the speakers at the Searchlight event! YES! This would ensure my private moment with Sarah, so I said YES!
Okay! Fandom established.
I finished reading her book so I would know what to say to her when I met her.
A stretch, but okay...
She was the “me” I could have been if I had made different choices, and if fate had…you know, made me Alaskan. We had so much in common.

There is way more weirdness in the article apart from the Palin fandom (which includes comparisons to Jesus). I hope Palin's folks read it. Also:
I ran into Joe the Plumber and was thrilled to meet him. I tried to hook him up with my friend Bonnie who’s single. Joe’s single, muscular and gave a great speech, with no notes! I told him that his fateful, little exchange with Obama had been the last piece of evidence I’d needed to conclude my theory that Obama was a Communist. That quote, “Spread The Wealth,” was the last nail in the coffin for me. Joe smiled and nodded.
I'll bet he did. Need I mention that Victoria Jackson never actually gets to meet Sarah Palin? Yes, I need to.

The foregoing might be worth comparing and contrasting with Norman Podhotoztoerozerotzes's Our Greatest Saint was Stupid and Sarah Palin is Stupid Too article.
Much as I would like to believe that the answer lies in some elevated consideration, I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that the same species of class bias that Mrs. Palin provokes in her enemies and her admirers is at work among the conservative intellectuals who are so embarrassed by her. When William F. Buckley Jr., then the editor of National Review, famously quipped that he would rather be ruled by the first 2,000 names in the Boston phone book than by the combined faculties of Harvard and MIT, most conservative intellectuals responded with a gleeful amen. But put to the test by the advent of Sarah Palin, along with the populist upsurge represented by the Tea Party movement, they have demonstrated that they never really meant it.
Far be it from me to divine the workings of the conservative mind, but my suspicion is that Buckley didn't imagine that insanity and stupidity was particular to those whose last names start with the letter A.


  1. I finished reading her book so I would know what to say to her when I met her.

    I hate it when I meet someone who hasn't written a book ... I never know what to say - it's sooo awkward!


  3. Mizz Palin...excuse me, govana Palin, on page 68 of your book, you say that you knew Jevus would save the U!S!A! from socialism, but on page 74, the U!S!SA is threatened by socialism spread by Klingons. I'm confused...

  4. ...even worse is meeting someone whose comments have been eaten by blogger... I usually say "well, you can't really trust the comment count", but I know it's actually a conspiracy.

  5. So this woman just basically explained how she decided to skip her daughter getting an award so that she could meet Sarah Palin... Yeah... thanks mom!

  6. A crucial omission above, now rectified: she never gets to meet Sarah Palin.

  7. I'll bet he did. Need I mention that Victoria Jackson never actually gets to meet Sarah Palin? Yes, I need to.

    Teabaggers WANT to be ripped off and exploited.

    It's the American Way!

  8. To get so close was swoon inducing enough!!
    And,like, except for our totally different livs, SHE COULD BE ME.

  9. This would ensure my private moment with Sarah, so I said YES!

    I never thought this would happen to me...

    So this woman just basically explained how she decided to skip her daughter getting an award so that she could meet Sarah Palin... Yeah... thanks mom!

    Well, Palin neglects her kids too, and VJ does say, "She was the “me” I could have been if I had made different choices, and if fate had…you know, made me Alaskan. We had so much in common."

    I wonder if VJ's daughter will either get knocked up, or play ringleader to a sex&drugs&vandalism party now.

  10. If my scalp exploded, making my hair tall and damaging my brain in the process, I could be just like BOTH of them.

  11. Holy shirt, that interview and her weird reply veers too close to parody. She doing that on purpose? I mean there's nothing worse than a joke that goes on too long.


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