Friday, April 16, 2010

Listen to This

The whole show's good - As It Happens is awfully reliable and contains the average daily requirement of shitty puns - but get about half an hour into this episode and there is a long and disturbing interview with Charles Bowden about life in Ciudad Juárez, one of the most violent places in the world. Apart from the expected horror stories Bowden is happy to talk about the roles of NAFTA and drug prohibition in the ongoing slaughter. Snobs who read Harper's will remember his well-written and tense conversations with a modestly contrite murderer/police official who worked for one of the cartels.


  1. Posting before DKW's comment shows up JUST BECAUSE.

    Barbara did her job on AIH well. David being responsible for a variety of schisms in the Republican party is not bad either.

  2. As I was saying, not much problem with Barbara Frum - but David? Even with his break from teh Glenn Beck-ified teabaggeries, that douchebag is a worse than having diarrhea on a transatlantic plane flight. Axis-of-Bomb-the-fuck-outta-them indeed.

    Capcha says sitraces. I dunno whether that's a speed contest by the seated (i.e. runs) or if it's indicators of the metric system.

  3. I don't believe that Frum's ever had any influence; he's just a mouthpiece. But his expulsion from AEI was a good thing as it helps paint the Republicans into their ideological corner.

  4. But his expulsion from AEI was a good thing as it helps paint the Republicans into their ideological corner.

    It will be interesting to see if this matters for anything.

    This country is already largely fascist. We can thank the officials and politicians who have been bought, paid for, and put into place.

    P.S. Let's not forget the journamalists. All Hail teh WaPoo!

  5. the officials and politicians who have been bought, paid for, and put into place

    and the <a href=">judiciary?</a>

  6. I counted then as officials.

    Clarence Thomas: Judge, or right wing slug?

    I know how I make that call.


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