Monday, April 19, 2010

Adventures in Reading

The former President has cropped up on TV and in an op-ed the NYT warning about the potential for violence. I know why the Tea Party is in the news, but what's with Clinton?
Also adventures in writing, but that's Ann Althouse for you. Note that the words "Tea Party" appear nowhere in the Times piece: myself, I would have thought it was a message about the broader mania of the extreme right wing which indeed "threatens his political party" with death, helped along by users-of-yokels like Fox and Dick Armey. Not that Bill would be averse to sticking it to left-wing revolutionaries, as he was always a triangulator.

Victoria Jackson has studied her Glenn Beck. I wonder if she can handle a weapon?


  1. Say, maybe we could send wop-a-dago Tancredo to his homeland, Italy, where he might feel a little more at home. He could go around beating up the Roma, for example.

  2. Victoria Jackson has studied her Glenn Beck. I wonder if she can handle a weapon?

    I watched the V.Jackson video, & I wonder if she can even drive or walk a busy sidewalk. She was once kind of amusing as a ditz, but I thought that was performance. Yikes.

  3. I could see her driving on a busy sidewalk.

  4. That was such a sweet setup, I suspect daveX99 is related to Substance.


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