Monday, March 22, 2010

Stuck In My Head

I shouldn't have looked up that other SCTV stuff because 5 Neat Guys won't get out of my head. Then I forget what few lyrics are on offer in these videos and I start humming whatever sentences come to mind like "Please Don't Eat The Turtle In The Icebox" or "I'd Sleep With Any Girl I've Ever Talked To" - write what you know I say - and then the people on the bus look at me funny. But I get my own seat.


  1. ♩♩ I haven't shaved since 6am this morning
    My boss will write a note inside my file ♩♩

  2. ♩♩Give a one-dollar bill to a hobo
    And he will buy a tuna sandwich now
    But teach that hobo work
    And he will never shirk
    Earning hot meals from the sweat of his own brow♩♩

  3. write what you know I say - and then the people on the bus look at me funny. But I get my own seat.

    Don't I feel it, brother! Once, I, uh, couldn't stop singing snatches of this song in the supermarket.

  4. While Mr. Bastard's suggestion of "Singing Snatches" might very well qualify as a wonderful band name, I doubt that there would be a great many venues willing to book them...

  5. ♩♩Snatches of song
    Make a teenager long
    For summers parked down by the lake♩♩

  6. "Singing Snatches"
    Title of a 1748 novel by Diderot.

  7. ♩♩Diderot wrote books about vaginas
    Set to sweet sweet singing by a king♩♩

  8. ♩♩I met your mom when I was in Manila
    Serving in the Navy with your dad♩♩


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