9. Genitourinary SystemCan anyone explain to me why a bunch of folks who spend a lotta time on boats want to make sure your bum and your naughty bits are in good shape?
There should be no palpable and enlarged kidneys. There should not be any disease of the kidneys. Cases showing alburminuria, glycosurea or blood (R.B.C.) in urine will be rejected. There should be no hernia or disease thereto. Those who have been operated for hernia may be declared fit provided -1. Documentry proof to be produced by the candidate to the effect the one year has elapsed after the operation.There should be no hydrocele, spermatocele or any other defect of genital organs, no fistula and/or anal fissure or evidence of hemorrhoids ( Piles), rectal polyps. There should be no active latent or congenital venereal disease, undescended intra abdominal testicle is normal and that there is no physical or psychological effect due to undescended testicle will be accepted. Undescended test is retained in inguinal canal or at the extra abdominal ring will be rejected.
2. General tone of abdominal muscles should be good and
3. There has been no recurrence of hernia or complications with the operation.
Of course I could understand it as an admission requirement for certain Catholic schools.
Can anyone explain to me why a bunch of folks who spend a lotta time on boats want to make sure your bum and your naughty bits are in good shape?
ReplyDeleteSure. Think it through. You're gonna spend a lot of time at sea, isolated. The time will come when you want to put your naughty bits in a bum. At that point, it's going to be critical that the naughty bits are functional and non-contagious, and the bum serve as a proper receptacle, if you get my drift.
History has taught us that at sea and in prison, these particular body parts tend to be employed in tandem as entertainment, especially after you've watched all the DVDs...
It's a Man's Life in the Modern Navy!
ReplyDeleteIt's because they're Ill equipped to handle this shit while they're out to Sea. No; actually it's because these affllictions will cause awkward watercooler discussions. and thus, destroy morale'
ReplyDeleteThe time will come when you want to put your naughty bits in a bum.
ReplyDeleteIt's called "taking soundings".
Forty fathoms of phallus, Seaman Staines!
That bit in Leviticus about banning blokes with damaged bloke-bits from the Temple applies to ocean-going vessels as well. Everyone knows that.