Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Things Obama Is Responsible For

Hooray! New Victoria Jackson column!
Or, how about I sell my original art (how does one do that?) to a fabric company who makes bikinis out of it? I call it “The Obamunism Bikini”. On it, in tiny black letters, will be a list of all the horrid, terrible, destructive things he’s done this year; Snitch Program, flag@whitehouse.gov, Gitmo, “Police acted stupidly”, “57 states”, Sealed college records, “Spread the wealth”, Blame Bush, Gazillion dollar deficit, Cap ‘N Trade, Obamacare, Bowing to Sheiks, Apology Tour, Lying, Lying, Lying, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Partial Birth Abortion, “I’m ashamed of my country” -Michelle-with-22-assistants, NEA fiasco,Van Jones Communist Czar, Jarrett, “Spread the Wealth”, Marxist Professors, Mao Christmas ornaments, Dissing Fox News, Ignoring”Astroturf” Tea Partiers, ACORN, Lame Stream Media Control, Spendulous Package, Bailouts, Kill Middle Class, Waterboarding, NY Terrorist Trials, Destruction of Small Businesses, Saul Alinsky, Ft. Hood Muslim Massacre, Christmas Muslim Bomber, Transparency?, No Earmarks?, No Special Interests?, C Span?, Barry Sortero from Indonesia.


  1. Telepathic Ed crossed with Burt.

    Nice work on that new Janusnode module.

  2. You almost tricked me into clicking on your link, S.McG.


  3. I'm looking forward to Kill Middle Class footage so I can play more Dethklök over it.

  4. Nice work on that new Janusnode module.

    Oh yeah, gotta stick some of those in there.

  5. Forget all that horseshit namby pamby crap.


    Just what exactly else do you need to hear?

    What evidence do you need to determine that this usurper is committed to the destruction of all the things we aren't sure of but we think have something to do with liberty and the american constitution, but we can't be arsed to read the goddam thing, besides, it says all the crap Sarah says in some olde englishe hard to read crap and hell, I couldn't get thru the great gatsby so what, commie, I KNOW what america is about and it's something about muslims!!!

  6. Plus Marxist Professors! Obama is a lot older than he looks, ya know.

  7. Plus Marxist Professors!

    You leave a little opium out near the baseboards in the kitchen and in the morning they're all on it in a gluey mess. Get out the broom and problem solved.

  8. There must be some typeface you could use for this extract that recreates the appearance of being typed on a battered old Smith-Corona with the ribbon worn half through, then being further degraded by several cycles of photocopying.

  9. He is changing America!

    Seven new states. What will they be?

  10. This is why they never let her write on SNL.

  11. Why doesn't she go to the same people she went to for her original art Bush muumuu?

  12. I keep reading that list, and my eyes cross.

    Does she blame Obama for her hair? Cuz someone needs to go down for that.

  13. Now, all young people want Freedom. So, why don’t we educate them using their own toys? Hip, sexy, MTV shows, sexy clothes and sexy rock ‘n roll. Let’s paint “I WANT MY FREEDOM” on naked models and place them on a big billboard on Sunset Blvd. Let’s get a freedom rap song anthem, a “We Are The World” event where cool conservatives raise a ruckus. (Well, I’d prefer a Randy Newman tune.) Let’s get a Reality TV show that follows the Tea Partiers, or follows a Conservative Candidate. Sprinkle some “hot” teenagers in it.

    This sounds pretty entertaining to me. Go Victoria!

  14. Can't wait for the cool conservatives! yes indeedy


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