Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Make Love To Mountain Lions

Apparently you can't say "kiss the whip" or "eat the gun" but you can say right out that you regularly have sex with animals.


  1. It's the "making love" part that makes it OK. The element of tenderness and emotional union is crucial.

  2. Eff the Lions?

    Maybe you could sneak past M.B. on a google hit results list, S_McG.

  3. The Maker of Love to Mountain Lions, pancakes not included.

  4. No. Waitaminute. What? Nah.

    Mountain Lions are WAY more scarce than straight chix on Friday night.

    If you're left with no other choice than having sex with first-order predators, you REALLY need to re-think your whole approach to dating.

    Why do they reject you? What do large, nocturnal predatory cats offer that women from your age and peer group don't? What is it that you can't bring to the conversation that brings you to bestiality?

    And just exactly how many orgasms per year are you planning on? 'Cause you've more than likely exhausted your options...

  5. Lemmy does have those giant warty things on his face...

  6. What do large, nocturnal predatory cats offer that women from your age and peer group don't?

    Mikey would make an excellent therapist, he asks all the right questions.

  7. The Maker of Love to Mountain Lions, pancakes not included.

    Make sure you receive royalties if Dan Lacey uses the suggestion.

  8. The thing about mountain lions is that regular lions lack that fresh piny smell.

  9. Mikey would make an excellent therapist, he asks all the right questions.

    ....and, I suspect, would be generous with the medications.

  10. Mountain Lions are WAY more scarce than straight chix on Friday night.

    Another word for Mountain Lion is Cougar.

    Just sayin.

  11. What do large, nocturnal predatory cats offer that women from your age and peer group don't?

    Bristly tongues?


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