Friday, February 26, 2010

Hangin' Out

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  1. It's like a ballet class for people with no rhythm.

  2. Hmmm. Not bad. Needs more junk.

    See Herr Doktor Smutster for animated naked people w/junk.

    No reason, really, why stick people can't have stick-junk, right?

    If the head of state of Libiya can declare war on a european nation that's been officially neutral for two hundred years, stick people can have junk.

    Hell, come to think of it, stick-ALLAH could have junk...

  3. Needs more junk.

    That stuff's just a headache.

  4. Stick Allah is the second on the left. With Abraham, Martin and Ringo

  5. These are no match for dancing badgers.


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