Friday, February 19, 2010

7,936 to Zero

Tiger Woods has a boner that is exactly infinity more important than mine.


  1. I do not wish to see S McG's Boner Blog

  2. I turned on NBC to see if they were showing women's cross country skiing during the 3-5 PM coverage, and what did I see? Tiger Woods apologizing. That's no winter sport.

  3. I do not wish to see S McG's Boner Blog

    It's a little thing.

  4. I was amused that the stock market went down because all the "traders" were clustered about their tee vees watching him apologize for his entitled Buddhist boner getting out of hand.

  5. Further research, rather than crap heard out of the corner of my ear, indicates the market was UP, after the golfer-brokers stopped their "trading" to watch.

    it seems like there was something of a lull and definitely a clear pickup during and after Tiger’s somewhat creepily choreographed apology.

  6. On a purely personal note, I HATE it when my boner gets out of hand...


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