Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Telepathic Ed Is Back

good talk:
A Recent Poll Showed That 58% of Americans Believe that Nigerian Should Be Waterboarded, A Nation of Deviates? We Just Got Finished With the Holidays and No Emotion Left And Now Martin Luther King Day Looms on the Horizon. Martin King Was Pretty Good But to Have a National Holiday for Him. Franklin Roosevelt Was the President When We Overcame the Great Depression and When WWII Was Almost Won, He Was the Only President Elected 3 Times and Was Elected a 4th and FDR Has No Day, Was Martin King a Better American than Franklin Roosevelt? They Should Just Throw It On With Columbus Day and Make It "Columbus and King Day," Has A Ring to It. "Sports Illustrated" Just Selected Their NFL Team of the Decade and of the 22 Position Players Two Were From Akron, Antoine Winfield from Akron Garfield and Mike Vrabel from Walsh Jesuit (Walsh is Just Outside of Akron but Vrabel is From Akron). Old Broken-Down Akron? A Boomtown for 50 Years With a Population of 300 Thousand Akron Was Down to 217,000 in the 2000 Census. Vrabel, a Defensive Player, Has the Interesting Statistic That When Used As An End of the 11 Passes That He Caught All Went For Touchdowns. I Think that I'd Rather Go To a High School Named After Somebody Good Instead of One Named After, Say, a Direction.


  1. Wow.

    They must have increased his dosage. That was actually coherent, considering the source.

    Um. Except for the open question, is Walsh or Garfield a direction?

  2. Jesuits give direction, Garfield is a large humorless feline thingy.

  3. Nope.

    Jesuits are really smart priestly doods who still think you can get pregnant without sex and after you are brutally killed you can come back and have poker night or something.

    But you're right.

    Nothing funny about Garfield....

  4. (Never said they gave useful direction.)

  5. never let it be said that I disagree with fish on everything. I love the disturbing connotations of Garfield minus Garfield.

  6. I suspect we don't disagree on much. But keep the hands and feet clear when we do.

  7. You have to develop your telepathic powers w/ Ed. Just 'cause he didn't type Akron East or Akron North out loud, it doesn't mean they don't exist, or that we wouldn't want to root for them.

    Best things about the Getty are the view & the price.

    Other than that, has Ed ever given a "bad" talk?

  8. He, not we. Would, not wouldn't.

    Obviously time for the post-brunch nap, though we haven't brunched yet.


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