Monday, January 25, 2010

Stupids for Smartness

A request:
Specifically, I request all documention relative to the degradation of America’s lovely “greenbacks.” I want to know exactly who requested the treasonous changes; exactly who authorized the violation of our classic and signature currency; exactly who implemented the changes. Please include copies of all proposals, agreements, and law(s), including copies of all official signatures, as well as a list of who voted, and how they voted, to change our money. (The coins are looking quite fake, as well. Did all of the treasury artists retire and take the molds with them?)

This is America. It does not belong to the Federal Reserve. It does not belong to the Treasury Department or any usurpers of power, especially any who wish to change America for the worse. We the People want back our lovely, detailed, well-designed greenbacks. Our greenbacks were works of art. Your pastels are ugly; tacky; and off-centered. We the People never gave either of you, nor the federal government, any permission to turn our beautiful, if fiat, currency into pastel-colored, badly designed, worthless-looking representatives — to be sent worldwide — of the (un)stability of America. Who authorized these Euro-style fakes?
Who, you ask, is this dedicated sprinkler of phrases and punctuation?
Linda Schrock Taylor, M.A., taught special education for 35 years in public schools. Now retired from teaching, she is finishing her book for reclaiming lives, “Rapid Reading Remediation;” and is running for Governor of Michigan on a platform for A Constitutional & Literate Michigan.


  1. I authorized them, ma'am.

    It's a harbinger of teh Zombocalypse.

  2. I really should have included this bit:

    I have never believed the flimsy tale that the weird FRNs are less easy to counterfeit. It is time that you both, plus everyone else involved with the shafting of Americans via the Currency Coloring Game, openly admit that the underlying agenda(s) — is/are treasonous. Directly behind the dishonest manipulation of our currency is… Pastel Gradualism. Gradually people are eased in accepting colored currency like the rest of the world uses. Who authorized the unwanted changes, and the gradualism of currency conversion? I want to know! Tens of millions of Americans want to know, as well. Fabian Socialism. Creeping Progressivism. Now Pastel Gradualism.

  3. The Colombian counterfeit dollar industry heartily endorses Linda Schrock Taylor's important effort to save the lovely greenback from the dustbin of currency.

  4. You can at least point to Linda and say "That there is a real conservative."

  5. Stamps, too. The Post Office regularly issues new stamps and do they consult The People first? Do they bogroll! Bring back the Penny Black, sez I.

    Pastel Gradualism is just the start. The next step will be...
    wait for it...
    Metric measurements! Ho ho!

  6. green isn't a color?

    Come to think of it, a real bastard country would cover the currency with coloured dots, in which normal-trichromat observers can see "$10" (say) while the colour-deficient sector of the population read it as "$2".
    Think of the hilarity that would ensue.

  7. our beautiful, if fiat, currency

    WTF is she complaining about? She already has small shitty underpowered foreign currency!

  8. Pastel Gradualism is the Metric System of Liberal Fascism.

    Color is Theft.

  9. off-centered


  10. Bring back the Hues UnAmerican Activities Committee!

  11. Think of the hilarity that would ensue.

    I propose that further innovation should involve the Smell Test.

  12. Snorting white powders? Surely not. I had merely rolled up those banknotes in order to apply a Smell Test.

  13. In New Zealand, you know, for a small extra fee you can order your banknotes with your own personalised vanity serial numbers. That's how the Reserve Bank covers its costs. It was either that or accept advertising on the backs.

    WV = 'clings', which is so not true -- I prefer to think of myself as 'emotionally retentive'.

  14. In New Zealand, you know, for a small extra fee you can order your banknotes with your own personalised vanity serial numbers.

    BOOBS. Ha! Ha!

  15. is this woman the same one who forced her son to smoosh his hamster with a hammer?

  16. Smush; crush; pound that hamster, until it's fiat.

  17. It is a sad comment upon the young people of today that Rapid Reading Remediation texts need to involve the crushing of hamsters in order to seem relevant and keep their attention.

    See Patch the Hamster. Patch is a Detainee.
    See John waterboard Patch.

  18. This is America. It does not belong to the Federal Reserve. It does not belong to the Treasury Department or any usurpers of power,

    With the welcome actions of the Suprme Court, it does, however, now belong to Halliburton, Boeing, GE, et al....

    I for one welcome our merciless faceless corporate bastard overlords.

  19. You've all stolen the good comments already.

    This is most objectionable. And I don't even see fish.

  20. I'm not sure active action on my part will be necessary, ZRM.

  21. yes, welcome to the post-bubble economy, my friend.

    Of course, your betters in the top offices of those big bank buildings will be CASHING those bonus checks...

  22. A Constitutional & Literate Michigan.

    not sure that's possible.

  23. This is known as the monkey corollary.


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