Thursday, January 7, 2010


In contrast to the dreaded expansion of the Ummah Wahida in Nigeria, the welcome spread of peaceful Christianity is bringing blessings:
"After struggling for more than 10 years without a job, I decided to go to churches for deliverance," he said. "All the churches I went to, the pastors told me that my mother is responsible for my jobless state. They told me that my mother had sold her children's destiny to the devil. I looked back at my other siblings' life and I found out that what the pastors said was true; none of my mother's children was making any progress in life. The pastors told me that unless my mother is eliminated, none of us can make it in life."
See also the Christian Millionaire Club.

That said, Merry Christmas!


  1. Linky for cuttin ur momma froat is broke. But I read the story on the great gazoogle and,Blimey! One might say.
    Interesting comments too.

  2. Fixed now I see. That Mr. Substance, he don't fool around.

  3. Just another crappy server, I think. Cached version works.

    Mind you, I'm taking that theory on FAITH.

  4. So I gather that just kicking mom's ass won't get it done, we gotta put her in the ground?

    'Cause I'd miss the old bat, truth to tell. Maybe I'll just break her knees and see how that works out...

  5. the church in Naga Hamady
    Do they have a library?

  6. Jesus loves me/This I know/I cut Mom's throat/'Cuz He told me so!

  7. "They will know we are Christians by our love."

  8. Dood, you don't stand accused of gross flatulence, you're being called out for blog slacking...

  9. Is it S A T I N that has kidnapped S_McG?

    S.A.T.I.N. were the best international gang of revolutionary criminals EVAH.


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