Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hey! The Pope Was Crazy!

The big religion story today is a new book that says Pope John Paul II used to whip himself both at home and on vacation. This is reported in Why He's a Saint, a new book by Monsignor Slawomir Oder, the Vatican advocate for JPII's canonization; a contradicting document is expected shortly from Christopher Hitchens.


  1. ..man, it stings when you've got sunscreen on!

  2. I saw that movie!

    With that blond nazi-lookin' dude, right?

  3. Maybe when some ascetic whips himself he's sainted. When it's a guy in charge of a billion-dollar operation it's just kinky rich guy.

  4. Oh sure, break out the hair shirt and bang away with all manner of whips and chains, and the jesushumpers all get massive wood.

    Break out a razor blade and cut ONE little hunk out of your forarm and you've got social workers crawling around in your ASS!

  5. Not enough. No cilice, no sainthood.

  6. Don we now our gay apparel

    Faa laa la, faa laa la, faa laa laa..

  7. Don we now our gay apparel

    Faa laa la, faa laa la, faa laa laa..
    January 26, 2010 7:20 PM

    All the youngsters are singing it: La La La! Lump in my oatmeal!!

    The Times, The Mores!

  8. At least I pay other people to whip me at home and on vacation. It's all about the job creation.

  9. And remember, you can always log on to recovery.gov and track the stimulus money right to Smut Clyde's house.

  10. Ha ha. lookit those stupid Roman emperors, combining their superstitious religion with such arrogance (or such cynical manipulation of the credulity of their subjects) as to claim that each predecessor emperor ascended to heaven as a new addition to the pantheon... asserting, as it were, to control the membership of the heavenly hierarchy they claimed to obey.
    Fortunately we have moved on from those benighted times.


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