Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Here Is Iris DeMent

Worth seeing live. She does a great "Mama Tried" but the only available YouTube video has her saddled with a band: she's better solo.


  1. There are many things I'll do, even though I know results are far from guaranteed.

    But M. Bouffant will not listen to a girl w/ an acoustic guitar. Ever. Not sexist, just folkist.

  2. I was quite surprised that it does not seem to be death metal.

    Bouffant, not even Liz Phair? Seems shortsighted.

  3. DeMentED.
    Completely different.

    I thought of saying something tasteless about Iris Murdoch but my heart wouldn't be in it.

  4. But M. Bouffant will not listen to a girl w/ an acoustic guitar. Ever. Not sexist, just folkist.

    She's more the Bakersfield country type.

  5. Well, jesus christ, Substance, Merry Christmas and shit to you and your family from me and assorted hangers on.

    I'm going up to my sister's place in marin, where it's only going to be sixty degrees. Brrr....

  6. You too mikey.

    Y'know, I think I saw Iris one Christmas in a church and it was snowing...

  7. ...but the only available YouTube video has her saddled with a band...

    I'm guessing that a certain someone has so completely turned you off of small towns in Alaska, and that's why you missed this.

  8. We New Zealanders will have had Xmas for hours already by the time you get it. We have opened the best presents already and eaten all the chocolate-covered almonds.

    You know what was the best thing under the Xmas tree?

    DKW's mum.

  9. Happy Zardozmas, SubbStance.

    60 degrees, mikey? I shoveled four inches of snow this morning, and now it's raining and freezing. I have no idea why my ancestors thought this was a habitable spot. We compensate by drinking a lot though.

  10. Almonds = Cyanide!

    Ho ho ho, & to all a good night, already, from 66F!


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