Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Cover

Some people hated Jellyfish, and reasonably I guess, but this is a great song with great lyrics. Extra points for almost entirely burying the guitar solo.

Now watch Puffy AmiYumi do it:

It's terrible, but there's something extra fun about having a manufactured Japanese group butcher a song about slavish fandom. I suppose an additional reason to hate Jellyfish is that Andy Sturmer produced this.


  1. I liked PuffyAmiYumi better when they worked w/ Jeff Altman.

  2. I stepped on a jelly fish once. I also ate one. I recommend stepping on them.

  3. Much depends on how you cook them. Perhaps there are alternatives to wrapping them in bacon and deep-drying them.

  4. They have a nervous system, but it is all distributed.
    Not everything has to have a chewy myelinated centre.

  5. I never could figure out the difference between a jelly fish, a jam fish and a preserves fish.

    And don't even get me started on those weird marmalade and chutney fish...

  6. Not everything has to have a chewy myelinated centre.

    no, but those are the tastiest ones.

  7. I do love the Cadbury white matter eggs.


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