Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Talent Pool

Matthew Yglesisiieisiseisidsis has a map that reveals some crazy racism evident in the most recent presidential election. Beneath that, this:
There are plenty of white men with progressive views, but in general the majority of white men are not progressive and the majority of progressives are not white men. Drawing from the relatively small pool of white male progressives means drawing from a shallow talent pool.
Republicans have the advantage of drawing white males from a far larger talent pool which is why the Republican nomination was contested by luminaries John McCain Mike Huckabee Rudy Giuliani Mitt Romney Sam Brownback Tom Tancredo Jim Gilmore* Duncan Hunter Ron Paul Fred Thompson and Tommy Thompson.

*I remember nothing at all about Jim Gilmore.


  1. ...well, he says it's a "nice map", but the legend has the most [hmmmm] cryptic color scheme I've ever seen, going from purplish-blue (5-9) through various shades of reddish-brownish-purplish back to ... blue (60-64 - sky blue, mind you)

    I'm sure it's meaningful - I'm getting another beer.

    [Capcha says I'm porisman - I cannot deny it]

  2. Yeah, the gradations are pretty stupidly handled. Clearly the degree of votes for Obama should have been represented by Sanrio characters ranked in cuteness order.

  3. know what else floats to the top in the pool? - Hitler, that's what!

  4. I finally had to kick Hitler out of the pool. He was just an obnoxious pool pest, and I'm pretty sure he peed in the water.

    I let him have some potato salad and a couple wings, but told him firmly no more swimming...

  5. know what else floats to the top in the pool?
    William Holden's body?

  6. ... Small pebbles?
    A duck?

  7. He's right though.

    If the dems are not careful, soon they will be nominating a WOMAN.

    or a ZOMBIE.

    Or even a BLACK GUY.

    ...pardon me? We did?

  8. Did Duncan Hunter Ron Paul, catch any Duncans. How can this be allowed in a modern society??
    Incidentally "talent pool" in the GOP?? More like "Cannon Fodder Pool"

  9. One man, one man without a gun man who had no one
    Dying, he died a William Holden death
    Drunken, liquor upon his dying breath

  10. Myself, I can't get enough of Tommy Thompson. I hope he runs again.

    That shrimpy drunk.

  11. Thompson is THe ONLEE HOAP for the Republican Party!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I totally forgot the other Thompson who parachuted in and saved the Republican party by winning nothing at all and standing beside a truck.

  13. I would say that another message is that progressive politics is badly disadvantaged by a situation in which the overwhelming majorities of political leaders and prominent media figures are white men.

    This is the kind of deep, counter-intuitive insight that should win Matty the Pulitzer some day.

  14. In the next post, Matty discusses the possibility that the sky is blue because of unequal wavelength absorption in the atmosphere.

  15. In fact the sky is not blue. That's only an optical illusion, caused by chromatic contrast with the yellowness of the sun.

  16. I thought it was Rayleigh scattering.

    As McG says, it only looks yellow because we pull blue out in the atmosphere.

    Unless it is a joke, then I blame it on my Assburgers. They never get the joke.

  17. I raily don't think that God's handiwork can be discounted by some theory

  18. The sky is that colour because Satan tricked God into eating some muffins that were laced with Methylene Blue, and now it's coming through in his pee.
    We are very fortunate that God doesn't eat asparagus.

  19. We are very fortunate that God doesn't eat asparagus.

    Than how do you explain Axe Body Spray?

  20. At the drug store I saw a pre-teen boy proudly encloud himself with a few samples of that. Jesus Christ.

  21. I'm told (by a high school age female acquaintance) that it's become a substitute for bathing. Miasma.

  22. That's not miasma, that's your asma.

  23. Malaria:

    I kinda liked the song.


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