Sunday, October 18, 2009

Third Hottest

The FAQ is funny.


  1. ...can we take up a collection to buy Putin a shirt?

  2. PS Jigme Wangchuck is a name to kill for.

  3. Note, however, the absence of a certain tent-fetishist.

  4. Gettin' Jigme with it!!

  5. I did notice the absence o the King of Kings of Africa. I also noticed Putin's sexy, sexy picture, and that a certain Best Prime Minister Ever is not where he belongs.

  6. I am more concerned by the absence of comments from a certain Dragon-King. He must be occupied elsewhere.
    With your mother.

  7. My mother makes HIM cinnamon rolls too?

    I am beginning to feel unspecial.

  8. I'd post over there but that's the hateful comment form he's chosen.

  9. I rated for Substance McGravitas!

  10. The Head of the Wangchuck Dynasty has a few things going for him:

    The young king began his unusual reign overseeing the democratization of his country, by presiding over the last sessions of the present parliament where electoral laws, land reform and other important issues were deliberated. He stated that the responsibility of this generation for Bhutanese was to ensure the success of democracy.

    Known in the Thai press as Prince Jigme, the prince, at 26 the youngest of the visiting royals, caused a sensation, giving rise to a legion of female fans in Thailand. The Thai press dubbed him "Prince Charming" and ran daily stories and photos about him and tourism in Bhutan for several weeks after he had departed Thailand.

    But most importantly:
    He was officially crowned on 6 November 2008, in the month of the male earth rat...

  11. chimpub tells me that I should [blogwhore reference] - but that'll have to wait till I get out of the office.


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