Monday, October 26, 2009

That Seems Like a Lotta Work

Wheat-crushing is more fun than digging:
Scientists investigating a large crater in a field in northern Latvia, believed to have been caused by a meteorite, now suspect it was a hoax.
Check out the picture at the link. It was a big job.


  1. The latest, according to Russia Today, is that it was a publicity stunt by a Latvian telecommunications company. I like the uplifting press release.

  2. I got a crater that looks just like that.


  3. When a meteorite falls in a field with no witnesses it makes a sucking sound.

  4. ...tried to make it look like a meteorite crater by burning a pyrotechnic compound at the bottom.

    I was no where NEAR Latvia at the time and I can Fukbum PROOVE it!

    They do, however, seem oddly obsessed with the "tidiness" of the crater. How is such a thing determined? Is there some sort of reference scale with which to measure the expected tidiness of any given impact crater?

    'Cause I'm pretty sure I wasn't consulted on that project...

  5. They do, however, seem oddly obsessed with the "tidiness" of the crater. How is such a thing determined?

    Assuming alien hangers-on, cow-part by cow-part.

  6. OT- Your beloved Another Kiwi is revealing another side of himself and is currently the Guest Poet over here...

    Ok... resume crater-hoax talk.

  7. Aw shucks.
    Would someone who assesses the tidiness of said holes be a Crater Rater. I rate for Tunguska.

  8. I am awfully happy with the people who bother to come by and entertain me.

    YOU'RE ALL STARS! [Weeps with gratitude]

  9. Tunguska, tidy? That place was a tip. Trees knocked over every-which-way because some alien decides to pull the Winnebago over to the side of the road and party. Nothing but grey trash.

  10. a Crater Rater
    Crater judges keep disappearing.

  11. I am awfully happy with the people who bother to come by and entertain me.

    I can make you regret that sentiment in TWO comments.

    Ask anyone.

  12. Crater judges keep disappearing.

    And yet, Hummer Judges proliferate. End Times, pipples.

    I suggest mikey send that one baggie to me immediately for safekeeping.

  13. Tunguska, tidy? That place was a tip. Trees knocked over every-which-way
    How very Germanic of Herr Doktor Bimmler to want the trees all lined up. IN TAIGA STRIPES!!
    badda boom
    Worst case of cytiessa I ever seen.

  14. It is tundra my dignity to reply to that.

  15. Kiwi, those poems are pretty fine. The first especially has been haunting me all day.


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