Friday, October 2, 2009


They suck: it's an excuse to churn money around that winds up in the hands of developers and screws poor people out of places to live.

Hooray for Chicago for avoiding the most overrated party on Earth.

Update for the sake of pissiness:

Those Salt Lake City Olympics were a bullshit project too.


  1. Had I parts to stridulate
    I'd rasp out my Olympic hate

  2. Say what you will, the '84 Olympics were the last time Los Angeles was livable.

  3. poorer, faster, longer

  4. Not sure if "churn money around" is the apt phrase for a one-way flow away from the majority of ratepayers and in the direction of hoteliers and construction companies.
    There must be some cities somewhere where the local council is NOT primarily a think-tank for dreaming up new forms of corporate welfare, but I haven't found one yet.

    We now return you to M. Bouffant for your normally-scheduled misanthropy.

  5. Thanks for picking up the misanthropy load for me there.

    The Great 'Gatspig'

  6. But the swimming cube was the coolest thing I have ever seen.

    I saw on my TV this morning that Chicago not getting the Olympics was proof that Obama was a failure and doesn't know how to manage his time. This came to mind.

    weewingr is Golberg's child.

  7. I wouldn't have minded the sprucing up of infrastructure that the Olympics might have brought...

  8. Updated roads and transit can be nice, but you can have those without paying bribes to the IOC.

  9. Mayor Jean Drapeau is making an important budgetary announcement today: the 1976 Montreal Summer Games will be the first "self-financing" Games in Olympic history! ..."the Montreal Olympics can no more have a deficit than a man can have a baby."

    Montreal's Olympic Stadium needs a new nickname — the Big Owe no longer applies because Quebecers have finally paid off their $1.5-billion debt from the 1976 Summer Games.


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