For instance, if you think that Jesse Jackson is an extortionist; that Al Sharpton is a con man; that Louis Farrakhan, Jeremiah Wright and Van Jones are three of a kind; and that the Black Congressional Caucus, ACORN, the SEIU, the Black Panthers, Eric Holder and Barack Hussein Obama, present a clear and present danger to our Republic, you are what passes for a racist in 2009.Let's be fair here: belief in all these things may not mean you are a racist, but it certainly means you're a nut.
In comments:

I had forgotten Preston Brooks.
Preston Smith Brooks was a Democratic Congressman from South Carolina, known for physically beating Senator Charles Sumner on the floor of the United States Senate. His first cousin, Matthew Butler, was a Confederate general.
Burt's always eyeing me on your site, S McG.
ReplyDeleteIt's a little creepy, but I figure he's near blind anyways.
Today I learned that that Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes is actually a member of the lower house of the United States Congress and that he did it in Congress. I also learned that Charles Sumner of Massachusetts was a conservative, a victim of liberal violence just like Joe Wilson.
ReplyDeleteGuy getting government health care yells "LIAR" at guy extending health care to the general population = guy whose country was torn to shreds being mad about hundreds of thousands of people dying.
ReplyDeleteJust to be equinam about it.
Mr Penobscott is a little "Piss and Vinegar" since teh welfare check from Clownhall stopped arriving. Remember it was "Dark Forces" what dunnit so he will be a bit down on the Dusky Hued among us for a while. But that is not an excuse, so no Rice Pudding for him tonight.
ReplyDeleteBurt's passing for a racist these days, then.
ReplyDeleteIt is extremely cool that Burt gets comments from heroic figures from teh Kalevala. You don't even get Egil Skallagrimsson!
ReplyDeleteThat must be why the House of Substance is only worth $197.1 USD
I had forgotten Preston Brooks.
ReplyDeleteIs there no end to Mr McGravitas' general ignorance?
My next cat, by the way, will be called "McGravitas Avatar".
Just like you libs to celebrate slavery. Estimated Worth $1635.2 USD
ReplyDeleteWhat the fuck has he got that I haven't got?
Clearly it is time for an Alan Grayson - Joe Wilson cage match. Hyperbole meets incivility - 2 enter, then they leave, then they come back and flip each other the bird...
ReplyDeletePreston Brooks is one of my favorite directors.
Preston Brooks is not as funny as Albert Brooks.
ReplyDeletePeople forget Babbling Brooks who was the funniest brother of the 3.