Friday, October 30, 2009

News from an Australian Paper But It's Really US News and I Didn't Notice


  1. Yes officer, it was definitely two young black guys.

  2. Staging a burglary is a crappy way to cover up the fact that you passed out and your friends wrote "Dick" all over your faces.

  3. Hmm, looks to me like the quality of the Navy SEALS has come down quite a bit of late...

  4. It looks like some marker has come off. Next time use a Sharpie.

  5. From KISS fans to burglary. Decline or foiled ambition???

  6. Should Australians be offended that you assumed this was their doing?

    Or is this a legitimate "It would have been irresponsible not to ...?

    I must dishlyze this some more.

  7. fish FTW, though I think he heard that one at school

  8. Should Australians be offended that you assumed this was their doing?

    I just read Gould's Book of Fish and was quite prepared to think the worst of them.

    You could well be offended that the narrative voice reminded me of you.

  9. There's a moral here, like "Remember to wash the pen marks off your face after the heist".

  10. Re: guy on right

    No one knows what it's like to be the bad man, to be the sad man, behind blue eyes and black marker.

  11. Those eyes are pretty piercing. It's like he's looking into my soul and asking "Got a smoke?"

  12. Aaagghh, don't force me to enter another bookstore!

    Besides, them's Tasmans, not Ozzies!

    (I'm sure there's a difference, even if only perceptible among the Emus themselves.)

  13. There's probably a higher convict ratio to the ancestors of Tasmanians, although I am only qualified to make snap libels.

  14. In Tassie those face markings would be considered mating behaviour.

  15. wilfully digressive (or so it seems), sometimes self-indulgent narrative

    I agree completely.

    Buted, one could say, if one had trouble w/ the letter "ess."

  16. It's like he's looking into my soul and asking "Got a smoke?"

    The first guy is looking at your ass and saying, "Hey baby, you beautiful. Gimme a dollar."

  17. Tassies are the people that Australians make "in-bred cousin-fucker" jokes about (when they're not joking about New Zealanders and sheep).

  18. Tasmanians opt to in-breed
    Rather than dilute their seed.
    They don't wax their pubes
    Or watch Intertubes
    Instead they listen to Creed.

  19. Speaking of geographic features that look like other things, Strange Maps has what you get when you mash up Africa and South America.

  20. More proof of Jesus lizards, J.

  21. Some people have too much free time!

    Comment by Stergios — October 31, 2009 @ 6:02 pm

    That's what some say...


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