Thursday, October 1, 2009

Both Your Houses

Ned Rice is miffed that Hollywood liberals ripped off Crystal Lee Sutton:
Crystal Lee Sutton, 68, died a couple of weeks ago of brain cancer. You might know her better by her Hollywood name: Norma Rae. Crystal’s life story was the inspiration for the 1979 Sally Field blockbuster that grossed $22 million (in 1979 dollars), four Oscar nominations, and two Oscars including Best Actress for the aforementioned Ms. Field. Norma Rae’s character is #15 on the American Film Institute’s list of all-time greatest screen heroes; Norma Rae is rated 16th of their “100 Most Inspiring Movies of All Time.” Given all this you probably think that Crystal Lee Sutton died in relative comfort, content with her life’s work and unencumbered by material concerns such as medical bills. Well, guess again.
That's capitalism for you.


  1. C'mon, he was worth thirty pieces of silver, nothing to sniff at in those days.

  2. To which [Sally Fields] might have, but didn’t add[holy fuck, I hope he doesn't get paid to write], "It didn’t elevate me enough to write Crystal a generous check from the many millions I have earned as an actress, or to organize a Hollywood fundraiser on her behalf, or to assume even partial responsibility for her medical bills, which would have been well within my means..."
    It would be unfair–exploitative, even– to blame Sally Field for the fact that Crystal Lee Sutton died broke and forgotten.

    But only because there are other rich Hollyweirdos just as much to blame as Sally Field! Apparently the only group totally blameless in all this is the insurance company she paid, who then refused to pay for her doctor-prescribed care in return.

  3. Wingnut central doctrine is that rich people will act out of the goodness of their hearts. Despite 100's of years of evidence to the contrary, it is cleaved to by the footsoldiers who desperately want to be so rich that they could help people, even though they wouldn't anyway.

  4. The whole article's really about how a social safety net is necessary except NO IT'S NOT!

  5. Hollywood didn't save Dana Plato either.

  6. Did Hollywood keep New Orleans from being flooded after making so many movies there? NO.

  7. Sally Field is no good scum!

    That was pretty awesome.


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