Friday, September 11, 2009

Note to Myself

Check this out, Mac folks.

I'll be damned: text generation included.


  1. "Mac folks." Ha!

    I made that mistake w/ Beta.

    Never again.

  2. Here's the secret info.

    They're ALL just computers.

    If you ask the right questions, you get the right answers.

    From ANY of them!

    I KNOW. Weird, huh?

  3. More true in this case than anticipated: Nodebox contains Kant Generator Pro and it's in Python, meaning my long-standing dream of a less-clunky JanusNode-type thing may already be realized, although the modularity of JN's Brainfood files are still a plus...

    Also should mean a JanusNodeish thing is available to those who can use Python.

  4. Damn, it appears that I work for that text generation thing. Or the Judging by the weekly emails from The Grand Poobah

  5. Oh. Neato. You can start a piece off by generating random code.


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