I have a nightmare that you will read Machiavelli’s The Prince and realize that we got there way ahead of you.Get it? Various other nightmares follow:
I have a nightmare that some of you are old enough to recall a time when the law was an honorable profession, the Constitution was not so deconstructed that, essentially, all that is left of it is the Commerce Clause, and your doctor charged a fee for service and made house calls.No one can look back on the good old days and not think warmly of fees.
I have a nightmare that you’ll realize that, far from being a right-wing nut, Lee Harvey Oswald was a self-proclaimed Marxist who defected to the Soviet Union, came home with a Russian wife, agitated on behalf of Castro’s Cuba, tried to re-defect to Russia, returned to Dallas, brought his rifle to work, and killed JFK with a classic marksman’s shot group: miss, hit, kill.News to me, I guess. You too?
I have a nightmare that eventually you will recall that, just a few years after the events depicted in Milk, the newly liberated gay community in San Francisco was decimated by AIDS.Non sequitur or divine retribution? Your secret guilt will inform you.
I have a nightmare that you will finally understand what the Manchurian Candidate, “mmm mmm mmm / Barack Hussein Obama,” meant by “fundamental change.”Can someone explain this one in comments?
I have a nightmare that we liberals won’t be able to stop Andrew Breitbart or any of the other maquis now shooting at us from every tree and from behind every rock, turning our own tactics against us, mocking us and rendering us frustrated and impotent.Lost again. Andrew Breitbart is a French resistance fighter shooting at, um, YOU dear reader?
I have a nightmare that Sarah Palin will get the Republican nomination for president in 2012.Okay, back to reality: RUN SARAH RUN. PUHLEEEEAAZE!
Punchline I suppose:
I have nightmare that . . .America: DUMBEST COUNTRY ON EARTH.
Nah. Never happen. You’re too stupid.
My guess is that the typist wanted to link to the video, which is, of course, the creepiest thing ever recorded. You could see the very souls being sucked out of the youth as they were indoctrinated into anti-Christ worship.
ReplyDeleteOr, he just liked typing "mmm mmm mmm B. H. O.!"
I have a nightmare that we liberals won’t be able to stop Andrew Breitbart or any of the other maquis now shooting at us from every tree and from behind every rock, turning our own tactics against us, mocking us and rendering us frustrated and impotent.
ReplyDeleteGASP! They're in our base killin our d00dz!
a classic marksman’s shot group: miss, hit, kill.
ReplyDeleteMissing from the end of that sentence was his fap fap fapfapfap (splort).
mmm mmm mmm B. H. O.!"
ReplyDeleteSo the Crash Test Dummies are trying a comeback with political music?
So the Crash Test Dummies are trying a comeback with political music?
I will not even address the splort
You know, I'm not a shy person and I have a mind that probably goes places it shouldn't, and yet, in these comment threads, I always feel like I've taken the wrong turn and have ended up in the men's room...
capcha? spled... I think that comes after splort and is when you should call the dr.
You know, I'm not a shy person and I have a mind that probably goes places it shouldn't, and yet, in these comment threads, I always feel like I've taken the wrong turn and have ended up in the men's room...
ReplyDeleteIf only Mr. McGravitas would mop the place once in a while...
Yes, teh House of Substance needs a substance-mopper.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I'm not a shy person and I have a mind that probably goes places it shouldn't, and yet, in these comment threads, I always feel like I've taken the wrong turn and have ended up in the men's room...
ReplyDeleteI agree. Most people wouldn't mention the Crash Test Dummies in polite company.
Kavane's article is close to the most fucked in the head thing I've ever read. "The Screwtape Letters" is true?? Everything is the fault of Liberals and this includes Doctors not making housecalls? He doesn't mention his having to wear adult diapers but I guess that's implicit due to the scariness of his environment.
ReplyDeleteWho is in charge of the FEMA re-education camp nearest this guy? They should be informed!!
Will people ever know if he winds up being imprisoned in Hardin's jail?
ReplyDeleteOnly if he goes splort...
ReplyDeletemy friends the question for all of us to answer is "To Splort or to Galt"?? Is there any difference in the end products?
ReplyDeleteMop needed in aisle 5
my friends the question for all of us to answer is "To Splort or to Galt"??
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna go Gort.
Gort: Klaatu Barada Nikto.
ReplyDeleteOn topic, surprisingly enough:
Concern4Constitution| 9.28.09 @ 12:54PM
(I think they just passed a law that you have to say that anytime you use his full name)
Holy shit MB the fourth or so comment by 'Timothy L. Pennell' is a little scary.One hopes that his Mom gets him out of the cellar for some air time soon.
ReplyDeleteGood thing Timothy commits such ravings to the internet, where all-powerful computers can flag it and him for disposal.
ReplyDeleteLe maquis -- not a plural.
ReplyDeleteNot that I'm obsessive about pluralisation or anything.