Thursday, September 24, 2009

Envy the Detectorist

Hoard highlight of 18-year hobby
Discovering the UK's largest haul of Anglo-Saxon treasure has been the highlight of Terry Herbert's 18-year hobby.

"People laugh at metal detectorists," said the unemployed 55-year-old, who stands to make a fortune.


  1. Indeed. The find itself is really cool too.

    I must, however, alert Manowar as they are sure to claim these items by right of conquest.

  2. He's using an electronic gizmo and not a divining rod? Pfft. Amateur.

  3. If I lived in europe I'd be all over that whole metal detecting deal. They've had thousands of years of wars and invasions and conquer-izations leaving behind all manner of fascinating artifacts.

    Here in California, the indians didn't even have metal.

    There's nothing to find.

    Makes me wanna go imctie a rtio...

  4. It would be somewhat of a surprise if finding thousands of pounds of gold was not the highlight of his hobby. "English Man Says "Only Gold!"" He was really after Bronze Age Man of War records.

  5. No sheet. Bronze puts vinyl to shame, not even to mention those lousy digital things.

  6. Bronze Age Man of War records.

    Ha! new kids on the block. Earliest known Motorhead album.

  7. Lemmy's hair was spikier then.

  8. Talking Pants finally catching up with the House of Substance. McGravitas, you are indeed a trend-setter. Capcha thinks you're a motiver.


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