Friday, August 21, 2009

What They Thinks

Via comments at Sadly, No! Scott Johnson brings it:


  1. Dragon-King WangchuckAugust 21, 2009 at 9:52 AM

    Maybe Lowry was doing what they thinks is ironic commentary.

    Anyways, the reason I was motivated enough to type ceyedfa is that I wanted to be first to give a shout out to jackisuezaring.

    Powerline not only has comments now, but they have their own right-wing troll. i.e. a troll who appears to be right-wing compared to Powerline. i.e. there ain't a case of chiroptera diarrhea bad enough to describe this level of crazzeee. i.e. if jackisuezaring was one of Michele Bachmann's advisors, she'd be the one they all thought was nuts. i.e. PENIS.

  2. I couldn't agree nor disagree more.

  3. Property of Preznits is theft.

    Sorry I'm quite flinvl at the moment

  4. I hear Brenda Lee singing "Who's Stupid Now?"

    You can dance to it 'cause B. L.'s very hythmic.

  5. Radio's playing some forgotten song
    Brenda Lee's 'Coming on Strong'


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