Monday, August 24, 2009

A Story

This Boy's Life: Being Transsexual in Kuwait
I had my breast implants done in Syria without any problems because it is a really open-minded country. I kept them for three years until I was obliged to remove them when the police caught me," he added.

Transsexuals in Kuwait face a variety of abuse, including arrest for dressing and acting like a woman. "The police caught me in the street, wearing a female outfit and then I discovered that my father was behind [the arrest] to scare me; they took me to the police station and shaved my head. Then they force me to remove my silicone breasts because of the law here and that really hurt me deeply because I felt that they where denying me of my femininity and my choice of freedom," he said with a lump in his throat.

After this incident my father then tried to make it up to me by securing me a job and a new car, but what the point of providing me with all this and still are not accepting and loving who I am?

What is so hypocritical in the story was the policemen who caught me, shaved my head then tried to sleep with me. This is not all - if any policeman stops me in the street and asks for my number and I refuse, he will threaten to take me to the police station," he revealed.


  1. Some intellectual persons will read that story and still say that he made a choice.

    JHC on a stick, people are dumber than coral sometimes.

  2. Thank God for a liberated Kuwait.

    I'm impressed at the idea of open-minded Syria...

  3. Naughty people like Robert Fisk pointed out that 20 minutes after the Iraqis crossed the border, the rich ruling class learjetted to safety and twenty minutes after the Iraqis crossed the border going the other way, the rich were back and it was BAU.
    Open minded Syria would involve some sort of axe to the forehead, one would have thought.
    But, yeah, 'Merican Hopes and Dreams for the Middle east don't have a great success rate. I think it is the brown folks who are at fault.

  4. Once again, we are reminded of the vast social, philosophical, theological and political similarities between the most repressive of fundamenalist islamics and our own vaunted christanists.

    If they ever got together in a room and agreed on a single book and a common name for their deity, we would all be even more deeply fucked than we are now...

  5. Naughty people like Robert Fisk pointed out that 20 minutes after the Iraqis crossed the border, the rich ruling class learjetted to safety and twenty minutes after the Iraqis crossed the border going the other way, the rich were back and it was BAU.

    Were you privileged to see the "pulling babies from incubators" bit? At the time it seemed like colossal bullshit. Or busshit as my fingers would have me type.

  6. I did not hear about the incubators story at the time but read about it, later. Thus when the stories of "Saving Private Lynch" came out, I was a tad sceptical.

  7. Look. I was there after 3d brigade fought those bigass battles in may and june in 1970. You've heard me wail and gnash at SN, I don't need to go into it again.

    But in the smokey fucked up dawn with bodies in the perimeter and in YOUR HOLE and smoldering tracks and the crack of gunshots finishing sad piles of torn up humans the choppers came out with the generals and the press. And they asked us questions, and if we told the truth you never saw that. It was ugly and harsh. So you didn't see too many enlisted, you saw some officers with clean uniforms.

    The point is simply this. When they tell you a bedtime story like Lynch or Tillman or Dunham, they are lying. It just doesn't lend itself to a coherent narrative. Not saying they didn't do good, even amazing things. It just wasn't what they told you. Never has been. Our job is to fight. Their job is to lie. Your job is to believe them. Maybe we can all just quit?


  8. I want breast implants.

    No, wait.

    I just want boys with boobs to go away.

    Has AG said too much?!

  9. I want beast implants.

    A couple of wildebeests, one in each ass cheek.

  10. Damn those aliens. It was bad enough with the nasal implants, but no, they weren't satisfied.

  11. Basting the implants. Yum.

    Emazif you don't eat 'em all up.


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