Thursday, August 13, 2009

I Dunno What's Going On Here

But the daughter will not stop playing it.


  1. The original is by El Chombo, a Panamanian musician. The lyrics are fake Spanish mumblings. It looks like mashing it up with cartoon characters has become an internet tradition. For example.

  2. Not as awful as that damn Euro-Frog of two, three yrs. ago.

    I will be shmerged in the bath if anyone calls.

  3. This is all very well, but does it make Danzig want to learn Spanish?

  4. You should be Danzig was very big for the Bee Gees. I don't think it was Spanish.
    Is it ostsmedi again, already?

  5. Not as awful as that damn Euro-Frog of two, three yrs. ago.

    Good God, yes.

  6. That frightens me.

    It is a LOT more disturbing than most of Bimler's woodcuts.

  7. It's stuck in my head now and forever.

    Washing the dishings.

  8. It is a LOT more disturbing than most of Bimler's woodcuts.

    I take that as a challenge.

  9. I suspect that if you were to animate some of the old hags with penii in birdsnests and set said animation to a vapid pop music loop, you could very likely compete in this field...

    Of course, then you'd deserve flogery

  10. Cartoon version of the Malleus Malleficarum? You might be onto something there. Or just on something.


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