Friday, August 28, 2009

I And I

Awfully creepy.

The fake me:

The real me:


  1. The real you has no sports.

    I wonder what you do to fill the emptiness in your pathetic existence...

  2. Of course, it doesn't really indicate if yer fer or a'gin whatever is mentioned.

    I scored highly in Family & Legal, & I'm sure most references involve holding someone's family hostage, or threatening to sue someone.

  3. So bored (& self-absobed) that I ran "M. Bouffant," "mbouffant," & "Malignant Bouffant," w/ fairly different results.

    As much a function of what name the comment system makes one assume, I s'pose.

  4. I wonder what you do to fill the emptiness in your pathetic existence...

    HellOOOO, homoerotic superhero comics...

    Also the military seems to take up some of my time.

    Remember the Usenet glory days when people had their sigs filled up with things they thought would trigger Echelon or whatever? S'probably that.

  5. I thought this was a safe place.

  6. I don't know who this "Smut Clyde" is, but he scored implausibly highly on Sports and Social. Also Aggression. But where is the entry for ""disturbing 16th-century woodcuts"? (not to mention "world domination").

  7. Dragon-King WangchuckAugust 29, 2009 at 5:13 AM

    The real me is practically not on the intraweebs at all and came up as half "illegal" and half "accident" which is pretty fucken awesome.

    The fake me got creeped right the fuck out when I discovered folks musing about my identity at rumproast. I also suspect the lines are a bit messed up by Jigme.

    I hope that enderes me to capcha.

  8. But where is the entry for ""disturbing 16th-century woodcuts"? (not to mention "world domination").

    What could be more social?

    My real name seemed to refer to someone else, too damn common I guess.

  9. I have a fairly uncommon last name but there's a guy in New Jersey ruining everything for me.

  10. I have a relatively common name and there's three guys - and I've known about them for some time - who completely screw me up. I AM NOT A FUCKING GENERAL MOTORS EXECUTIVE.

  11. I am mainly Sport and Education. You get your name on a paper and everyone thinks your an egghead.

    It is sheer inchotry

  12. It looks to be a pretty simple-minded algorithm, looking for text-analysis associations for key words within a small number of on-line references to the chosen name. But the opacity, hearsay nature and inaccuracy of the process is central to its point.

    It turns out that I don't know the Frau Doktorin as well as I thought, since her profile turns out to be dominated by "Education" and "Illegal".

    Heh. My brother turns out to be 1/4 Online and 3/4 Sports. He's going to love that.

  13. Exceptionally creepy.

    My legal name's Internet (And evil!) doppelganger is a "global investment strategist/chief market strategist."

    He(?)'s mostly management & professional

  14. What about the food?
    He doesn't use the family surname for food-blogging.
    In real life he is about 1/4 caffeine, 1/4 red wine, and 1/2 foie gras.


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