Monday, July 6, 2009

Fire, Pro and Con

Once there was a little church
Scorched one night while stars did turn
It's left the parish in the lurch:
No place to wish a witch would burn.


  1. thenthelightningwill (9 seconds ago) -
    Well I saw all I need to know about witches on Monty Python and what we need is more enhanced interrogations like waterboarding because witches weigh less than a duck and that's why they don't float.

  2. YouTube discourse is raised once more.

  3. Did you notice that "Weird Car Crashes - 819,966 views" is one of the related videos?

  4. Witches are bad drivers. It's the pointy hat.

  5. The regs at the usual Baptist warehouse now consider ANYONE who does not attend church a suspected witch or occultist, whether lutheran, catholic, non-believer, muslim, jew, etc. Even out in Eastside LA, the fundies consider catholic padres high priests of Lucifer or something ("Marians"), just a different sect than the Moon Godess types, jews or mormonics (tho' bapticks do at times seem to tolerate LDS, since they tend to be business types, moralist crusaders and so forth. Good witches).

  6. Phuck, I may have kicked off the non-funny, literal-factual filter on Lo siento

  7. Well, that's kinda the point of the silly shit at the top of the thread...


  8. Witches are bad drivers. It's the pointy hat.

    The broom skills they acquire first also prove a hindrance when they discover cars just can't maneuver like a sweet broom.

  9. Nobody could have predicted we'd go serious.

  10. Oh crap, have we gone serious?

  11. Actually, there's one specific reason why the bapticks and other protestants detest the marian-catholics.

    Candles. Big ones. Those mondo votive Candles are the work of.......the Fiend.

    Since this is R rated blog, we shan't go into details, but think...Linda Blair

  12. If this thread has gone serious, does that mean the quantum entanglement thread has, too? I can't look, my waveform is already feeling faint.

  13. It is both serious and not serious until you look.

  14. Candles.

    I miss the old days when it was gold. The Protestants have been doing some catching up in that area.

  15. Thou shalt not have unnatural relations with the tapered, or untapered wax! It is iniquity.

  16. Alright, enough serious. There appears to be a trend towards.......Nun-Kultur.

  17. I used to run the quaint little vibrator repair shop in sacramento.

    Nobody ever brought me a candle and asked me to restore it's length. I'm not sure I could have done that.

    But by golly I woulda tried...

  18. Californian Commercial Oversight Czar Granple Hustion today confirmed a "shake up" in the Vibrator repair industry. He said "Well, these guys have been humming along, for years, doing all sorts of candle based repairs which are taxed under Jadgerwach Direktive 145a as Religious Duties, and attract higher taxes. Let the warning go out Hustion said "Unlicensed candle workers, we're coming for you".

  19. The apostate nuns usually become Wickans, anyway.

  20. It seems to me that they live their lives like a candle in the hind.

  21. herr doktor bimlerJuly 6, 2009 at 9:55 PM

    Out, out brief candle!

  22. herr doktor bimlerJuly 6, 2009 at 10:30 PM

    my waveform is already feeling faint

    Perhaps you could borrow a wig from Phil Spector.

  23. The apostate nuns usually become Wickans

    Is this related to candle worship?

  24. CA Dept. of Consumer Affairs, announces Open testing for Wax and Wick Technician Trainees II, e9931112iii

  25. herr doktor bimlerJuly 7, 2009 at 4:20 PM

    I was not sure about the invitation to become a Wicca Man until my Wiccan Calendar introduced me to Ms September and Ms October.

  26. Man, how many vertebrae does Ms September have, anyway? Baby got way too much back.

  27. herr doktor bimlerJuly 7, 2009 at 4:26 PM

    sweet broom

    Do NOT smoke that stuff, whatever your hippie friends might tell you. You just throw up and they laugh. Or so I heard.

  28. She's got vertebrae that go all the way up.

  29. Amongst them that do art this is the phenomenon known as "How tall is the sodding canvas again?

  30. That painter dude knows from knockers.

    Those babes are hot.

    But what's up with the donkey?

    I'm on my kness

  31. Is that the same angel that was in the alien albino picture? Now it's trying to take the sheet off Ms. September, the dirty little sod.
    The donkey is to ride home on, Mikey.


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