Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Today, We Are All Hitlers

John T. Simpson is bringing the firepower!
The Left Has Spoken: Today, We Are All Extremists
What follows is the usual fairly heated barrage of crazy all about how leftists are really the hateful ones, but as an inadvertent illustration of the opposite of his thesis, he opens his article with this:
"The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belong to one category.” - Adolf Hitler.
Indeed, my friend, you have been misjudged.

There's much more there of course, but here:
GROW UP! I’m sick of dealing with a bunch of full-grown screaming control-freak toddlers!
"U LIBS R DUM" would be sufficient here.


  1. herr doktor bimlerJune 16, 2009 at 6:07 PM

    as an inadvertent illustration of the opposite of his thesis, he opens his article with this:

    J. T. Simpson needs to work on his point of difference. Several thousand right-leaning blog-articles opening with that "leader of genius" sentence have already appeared since Obama's election (48,800 Google-hits), so he is well behind the field.
    I am able to report that the sentence is in fact authentic (though feel free to attribute it to Orwell, Santayana or de Tocqueville as the whimsy takes you), and appears in the Murphy translation of Mein Kampf.

  2. Fucking hell some one give this guy his meds. This is more like Abe Simpson.
    I fink someone is still a teency bit upset becawse the Daddy-men losted the elekshun
    Funny typo, he talks about the 9/11 'tinfoil conspiracy'. That was the one about how the jets were giant tinfoil models and the passengers were all sold into slavery in Saudi Arabia.

  3. JTS figures I should be called Leftous Bubba, which has an added spice since in the column he claims not to be demonizing an entire group by, er, quoting Hitler and stuff.

  4. Leftous Bubba.He's sharp as a knife ain't he.

  5. I’ve got a radical right wing extremist idea. Why don’t we leave the nutjobs to law enforcement, and try to engage in the honored American tradition of healthy and vigorous political discourse without enacting new Nuremburg decrees or shredding the Constitution?

    Hey, guess what? You DO have a radical right-wing extremist idea when you start talking about Nuremburg!

  6. herr doktor bimlerJune 16, 2009 at 6:44 PM

    Why don’t we leave the nutjobs to law enforcement
    8 years and two invasions too late for that otherwise-sensible suggestion.

  7. herr doktor bimlerJune 16, 2009 at 6:48 PM

    without enacting new Nuremburg decrees

    The Nuremberg decrees were restrictions on who could marry whom. I assume that this is the guy's way of protesting against "defense of marriage" decrees, so good on him.

  8. Really sucks to be a conservative these days. I feel like I’m walking around with a big bulls-eye on my back.

    That's what happens when conservatives run around shooting liberals: the conservatives are VICTIMIZED!

  9. Simpson's obviously not a HuffPo or DailyKOS reg. Those sites are about as radical as like Michael Berube's site--dedicated to sports and rocker nostalgia, and reminding us torture is wrong--more or less Hunter S. Thompson, extra-lite, sort of Reader's Digest Gonzo. Booj-wah, as they yawped back in the day (no marxist am I, but relevant).

    DailyKOS represents a lot of what's wrong with the demos, really. It's more like a frat house party than blog. Boo-coo Cronyism, and not really even funny. The liberal Blogville seems headed for the cyber-Tammany--and that produces a backlash, dialectical like man.

    The blue dog types, shut out of the KOS par-tay, probably move towards the hicks or Aynnie Rand bots' (seriously--Miss Rand like a visionary compared to some of these people, like a Berube, or Holblow). Others probably head to La Gauche, and the red dogs (or is it pink. Yo, Bubba ya old pink dawg, whaddup).

  10. Yo, Bubba ya old pink dawg, whaddup

    I confess to being adorable.

  11. Hey Bub,

    Btw, WTF happened to Emerson???

    I'm not that fond of the freak, but he just disappeared---La Rue? Psych. issues? incarceracion?? Muerto?? Weird.

  12. I dunno. J— is a Trollblog devotee and perhaps he knows. Hope Emerson's on vacation.

  13. Simpson's kind of amusing in comments. I'm trying to explain to him that starting off with the Hitler is kind of kooky and he just doesn't get it.

  14. Also, Hitler silliness should certainly be possible.

  15. Not to totally rip off Normal Bob Smith's shtick, but maybe a dress-up hitler?

    A tutu (not desmond, silly), the village people, prince, a bathing suit and flippers (ok, that IS a direct NBS ripoff), it could be big fun!

    It appears that capcha is supporting not just the Iranian opposition, but William Wallace too


  16. Space issues don't exactly prevent a dress-up Hitler, but they do limit the fun. I've been meaning to do a dress-up for a while now, so...um... also replaceable heads.

  17. Jeez, Bubba - how have you not been banned at Big Fail? They brought the ham down on me for some pretty piddly stuff.

  18. My Firefox no longer goes there directly, so I suspect some shenanigans, but these are easily dealt with.

  19. "Ensign John Shenanigans, reporting for duty SIR.

    Umm, may I touch myself?"


    As in One of Our Esses is Missing

  20. herr doktor bimlerJune 17, 2009 at 2:00 PM

    "The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belong to one category.”

    Isn't this also the central principle of object-oriented programming?

  21. I thought it was when sigfried and roy had both lions and tigers at the same time...

  22. As for the lederhosen of genius. One leg for each hole is all I'm saying.

    Capcha medical industries says "Ask your Health Professional if gatricl Alligator growth hormone is right for you"

  23. herr doktor bimlerJune 17, 2009 at 2:30 PM

    Being a full-grown screaming control-freak, I insist that Ensign John Shenanigans should STOP TOUCHING HIMSELF.

  24. "The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belong to one category." - Adolf Hitler.

    Unfortunately, when you're neither a leader nor a genius, "OMG Libs are so totally Li'l Hitlers!" sounds a teensy weensy bit dumb.

  25. Unfortunately, when you're neither a leader nor a genius
    This is central to our point


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