Tuesday, June 23, 2009


In trying to figure out what Obama should and shouldn't yell at Iran about when the situation is touchy, it might be worth noting that US allies - perhaps "projects" is a better word - Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan are on her borders.

They're all doing just fine.


  1. Yes, it's true.

    Who WOULDN'T welcome american intervention in their internal politics.

    Given our sensitive and deft touch, we have that gift for making things better quickly...

  2. I was thinking about this guy today. Last I heard his sentence was commuted from death to 20 years for daring to print something about women's rights off the internet.

    Is he still in prison? Who knows?

  3. These situations always make me think of the Donald Sutherland character in JFK. "We were good - very good. Then we got into the Cuban thing. Not so good."

  4. Maybe it's just me but it seems as if Iran is being simplified into a magical kingdom in which there is no history or contact with the outside world except that which America mediates.

  5. Re: "magical kingdom in which there is no history", I read today that Mousavi was involved in the Beruit embassy and Marine barracks bombings. He was of course the prime minister of Iran during the Iran-Iraq war, in which we materially supported Saddam Hussein, during the Iran-Contra affair, and is accused of having had numerous people assassinated in the late 80s. If he'd won, they'd still be clamoring for intervention.

  6. Not to mention no history at all of 1953 & Anglo-American "mediation" then.


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