Friday, June 26, 2009

Fuck You Barack

This Obama gentleman is backtracking on some rather important issues.


  1. I'm having trouble figuring out his game. What exactly he is.

    Overton moving company?

    Triangulator without compare?

    Amoral political genius?

    Stealthy neocon with advanced radar-jamming capability?

    Happy lunchbox-toting tool of the Beltway establishment?

    I can't come up with a flattering or hopeful guess. Sorry.

    In other news, Capcha turns out to be a grouchy old COBOL coder:


  2. Obama is definitely DLC, as was/is Clinton(s).

    But I'm not sure (yet) how bad this is (see comments).

    I'll agree with Glennzilla that policies that were wrong/evil/immoral under Bush are still wrong/evil/immoral under Obama.

  3. BHO is the 'at least he's not Bush candidate' that was necessary for you to have. His centrist policies are close enough to Bush so as to not scare the Marmots. We have ample evidence as to how scared they have been, even so.
    The human rights and secrecy aspects are disappointing but are to be expected following the 8 year shitstorm you have endured.
    But this does not seek to excuse Mr Obama or let him of the hook. His feet should be toasted good and proper as to wtf is going on.

  4. There would seem to be some people in U. S. custody who can't be successfully taken to trial because they were tortured by the Bushites. (Who, as someone just typed somewhere, seemed to have been kicking the can down the road for their successors the instant they got the Iraq war started & realized they wouldn't be able to hand Social Security to wall St.)

    Nonetheless, I just don't think it's a good idea to let them loose if they are objectively (as we hard-lefties like to say) a threat to city-dwelling sophisticates (by which I mean ME, of course).

    I realize there's no war w/ any nation-states or religions (though maybe there should be, just not w/ the usual suspects) & know that the law-enforcement model is the best way to deal w/ these fundamentalist loons.

    But if just one who'd been released is even rumored to have been w/in 50 miles of anything to do w/ a planned or successful attack on the sacred & oh so precious USofA, we'll both never hear the end of it & have handed any & all recent electoral & other gains to our domestic enemies for the unforeseeable future, because if you think they won't STFU now, when they've nothing to bitch about ...

    Were those Marmots in Prosser, Wash. trying to smash wine bottles?

    Damn furry polygamists.

  5. Nonetheless, I just don't think it's a good idea to let them loose if they are objectively (as we hard-lefties like to say) a threat to city-dwelling sophisticates (by which I mean ME, of course).

    But that you can spin as a Bush failure. Drop 'em in Waziristan.

  6. Considering we decided to bring them here, it seems only right to do one of two and only two things.

    1.) Take them right back to the exact place they were taken into custody. No one can say you can't release them there - hell, they already WERE there.

    2.) Take them anyplace they say they want to go, provided, of course, that specific host government will allow them in. Give them unfettered access to a phone and computer to work with their lawyers to secure permission and/or asylum...

    Capcha wants me to write a poem called "racingi".

    Oh who'll go racing? I will!
    Yes I'll go racing uphill
    Racing? Ok, sure, I'll try it
    Hell, I'm bored and things are just too quiet


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