Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Shorter Mike Adams:
My boss is a crazy bitch!


  1. I'm not sure that I've a bigger load of steaming sanctimoniousness on teh intertubes.
    That is because most feminists love their ideology more than most Christians love Christ would seem to take the cake for professional victim playing as well,also.
    I believe that it is two for one day at Fukbum in the religious aisle.

  2. Hopefully, by now, most of you realize you are reading political satire.

    Number the first: This is why I don't open crap sites like ClownHall with IE. Remainder of this rant deleted, lest people suspect I'm really Burt Prelutsky after he got lost and wound up smoking a marijuana cigarette with a bunch of hippies.

    Number the 2nd: Mike Adams is a pathetic loser.

    The 3rd number: Satire? That guy wouldn't recognize satire if it walked up to him and bit him on the ass. Which it probably does, on a daily basis.

  3. M. Bouffant said,
    June 24, 2009 at 6:48

    But that’s only because he wouldn’t know satire (or comedy) if it tore a chunk from his pasty ass & used it for a seat cushion.

    M. Bouffant will be hearing from Columbus, Ohio Law Firm!


  4. herr doktor bimlerJune 24, 2009 at 2:19 AM

    That guy wouldn't recognize satire if it walked up to him and bit him on the ass.
    Anything that does that is more likely a satyr. They have weird ideas about foreplay.

  5. Last year I was tossing a frisbie around the park in los gatos when a chocolate colored standard poodle trotted up and bit me in the ass.

    The amazing part?

    His name was Sartre!

  6. I thought abortion was the saddest thing of all.

  7. herr doktor bimlerJune 24, 2009 at 3:22 PM

    His name was Sartre!

    He mistook your thighbone for Beauvoir.

  8. Mon Procs n'est pas de votre préoccupation, bien sir!

  9. herr doktor bimlerJune 24, 2009 at 5:26 PM

    Q: What do you call someone who spray-paints graffiti on walls, in neat sharp-edged lettering, reading 'No Way Out'?

    A: An exit-stencilist.

  10. Hitler was an axistentialist no backsies.

  11. Keef Richards is the axessentialist


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